2023-08-03 Summary

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Attendiees: Ruben, Derick, Duncan, Fiona, Kira, Fin, Sophia, Don, Martyn, Peter


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions


  • Cargo Bike Race: Disaster Relief Trial (DRT)
    • Date: 26-Aug-2023
    • Volunteers = Duncan + Our Greenway (Sam Starr + Darnell) + Fiona + Jen

City of North Vancouver - Nadia/Sophia

CNV Key Contacts & Staff Meetings

  • Completed meetings
    • Met with Laura at Pooni Group to discuss Capilano Mall redevelopment, July 11th
    • Met with CNV Engineers to discuss priorities for St. Andrew's from HUB's perspective

Summary of current/upcoming CNV projects - this year & beyond

  • R2 improvements
    • construction has started at Kennard Ave for the transit and cycling improvements, so riders should be aware of loose materials and changing traffic control
  • Casano-Loutet Overpass/Midtown Connector
    • still waiting on permit from MoTI (Ministry of Frustration)
    • no update on the Midtown Connector
      • need to find out if it is on Hold? What are the next steps
  • St. Andrew's
    • update here from the NSNews

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Don

  • 2023 Budget
    • How the extra $4.5M + $3M AT funding will be allocated
      • Mountain Highway Safety Study - public engagement in the fall
      • Construction funds were also released for:
        • Main Street (2024) - HUB NS top priority
        • Marine Drive (2024) - HUB NS top priority
        • portions of the Lynn Valley TC-Lynn CreekTC (eastern) route (2025) - HUB NS top priority
        • more to come soon.
  • Main St - Harbour Ave - Barrows
    • Sent Project Mgr (Ben) comments on updated design for Harbour Ave & Harbour-Main Intersection
      • Generally design is good, but we are pushing for better protection to be added for bikelane on Harbour.
    • DNV will be gathering Public Input (online) on the design in June. - now overdue, need to follow up
  • Spirit Trail, East of Seymour planning:
    • Have asked for timeline and a copy of consultants report. (Again: SL, 30-Jul)
  • Bikes diverted from NS Transfer Station
    • Duncan has started an initiative to direct these bikes to charitable organizations on NS & MetroVan. Stay tuned.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

Westmount Road

  • Construction has resumed on Westmout Road with the removal of the traffic circle and installation of speed humps.

Marine Drive, 25th- 31st

  • Painted lanes, along with delineator installations and green paint at street intersection are completed 26th to 31st.
  • Signs to follow by the District workforce.
  • The section from 25th-26th is still subject to consultation with frontage owners.

10 July presentation on 30 km/hr speed limit zones to Council by Sean O'Sullivan who was introduced by director, Jenn Moller

  • Council agreed that a blanket 30km/h restriction is ‘not justified’ as surveys apparently do not reveal excessive vehicle speeds in local neighbourhoods.
  • Council passed a motion with the following recommendations that relate primarily to automobiles such as the following:
    • allocated funding for the 30 km/hr Speed Reduction Initiative be redirected towards the implementation of an ongoing annual School Safety Assessment Program to identify safety and mobility improvement opportunities around all schools in the District;
    • staff be directed to develop a traffic calming policy and program to target specific locations where data (speed, collision, West Vancouver Police Department (WVPD)) shows there is a speed or congestion-related safety concern;
    • staff be directed to undertake an assessment of the intersections within the District’s road network to identify the highest collision rates and the intersections with the greatest benefitting potential of road safety improvements; and
    • staff report back to Council with an update in Q2 of 2024.

Ambleside Local Area Plan (LAP) presentation to Council on 24 July

  • staff gave a presentation on the Engagement Summary, Proposed Framework, and Next Steps
  • Council accepted the staff report for information which contains 8 recommendations including the following:
    • THAT staff prepare a Communications and Engagement Plan and meet with the Community Engagement Committee (CEC) in September or October 2023 for input on future engagement; and
    • THAT Engineering & Transportation staff prepare an accompanying Ambleside Transportation Plan.
  • appended to the staff report was a letter from Jenn Moller, director of Engineering & Transportation that was entitled: "Summary for Ambleside Transportation Plan Phase 1"
  • There was one specific section of the letter devoted to cycling which can be seen at: https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/4/45/2023-07-11_Summary_for_Ambleside_Transportation_Plan_Phase_1.pdf
  • Of significance was this sentence: "Improvements to create AAA bicycle facilities along Bellevue Avenue should therefore be a high priority for future development of the active transportation network."

Planned meeting with Jenn Moller and staff on 8 August

  • Paul, Peter, and Mike have been invited to this meeting, which we expect to focus on the transportation plan for the Ambleside Local Area Plan.

Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure - Mike/Don

  • Phibbs Exchange
    • Phase 1a mostly complete - new peripheral bus stops & sidewalks
    • Phase 1b starting - closure of eastbound off-ramp and east sidewalk for new drainage pipe
      • East sidewalk closed until Aug-25th, west sidewalk is bi-directional detour and hazardous
      • Global news did an interview with Erin (HUB's Executive Director) about the bridge and detours
      • Only good news is the MUP on south side of main will get improved (widened and flattened)
    • Phase 2 just starting and will run for at least a year.
      • North side of main will be walk-your-bike south of Phibbs exchange, best to detour to South side of main.

Communications & Outreach - Rueben/Paul/Heather

  • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.
  • Twitter (Rueben)
    • Checked out new MUP on Orwell St (July 10th, before recent construction changes)
    • Posted photos of partially complete Marine Drive bike lane between 25th and 31st Street
    • Notices for Phibbs construction (and closure of east side of Ironworkers Bridge)
    • Upcoming for August:
      • Orwell and Phibbs Exchange
      • Bike Boxes by Quay
  • Facebook(Heather)