2023-2024 Richmond Local Committee Action Plan

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2023 Action Plan

Objective One - Advocate for improved biking infrastructure

Action(s) to support:

   Bringing cycling infrastructure gaps to City
   Advocating for City to adopt Great Blue Heron way
   Campaign targeting businesses and developments to support cycling (storage, bike parking)

Benefits: To make Richmond/YVR a more bike-friendly city so that more people will cycle.

Lead person or co-leads: Derek, Sheryl, Jesse, Predag

How will you know you've achieved this objective:

   Cycling gaps are addressed by city in actions and plans
   City adopts paths that cross multiple boundaries (such as the Great Blue Heron Way)
   Businesses and developments support biking by providing more storage, parking, etc.

Objective Two - Increase more participation in HUB Richmond/YVR

Action(s) to support:

   Community rides
   Community events/booths
   Meetings, focusing on actionable tasks in local committee meetings
   Online engagement (answering questions, discussions)

Benefits: To build a community who cares about biking in their city and to make HUB more visible in facilitating these connections and a resource that can direct their questions/concerns.

Lead person or co-leads: Donna, Jesse, Sue, Devyn, Anna

How will you know you've achieved this objective:

   Positive participation at events, online engagement, and meetings.

Objective Three - Education

Action(s) to support:

   Short educational sessions at community rides
   Online discussions
   Emails to larger HUB Richmond/YVR group

Benefits: To increase understanding in community about issues related to cycling that may pertain to them.

Lead person or co-leads: Everyone

How will you know you've achieved this objective:

   Feedback is given by public or members at large about discussion or announcement topics.