Tricities Meeting Agenda March 7

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Minutes from this meeting

Time and place

We are returning to in-person meetings! We will be meeting at the Boardroom of the Coquitlam Public Library's City Centre Branch (1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam).

As part of our hybrid approach, we will also have video options, seen below:

Meeting link

To join the video meeting, click this link: Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 604-774-6771 and enter this PIN: 499 951 324# To view more phone numbers, click this link:

Agenda Items

  1. Mission reflection HUB's mission is to get more people cycling more often.
  2. Committee priorities defined in our 2022 Action Plan
    1. Improve our relationships with local governments, agencies and decision makers.
    2. Improve committee focus.
    3. Improve our integration with the community
  3. Reminder of our Top 10 Map Gaps
  4. Previous meeting minutes
  5. Discussion with Sheila Hui - Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure
    1. Mary Hill Bypass gap
  6. Report of the Co-Chair (Andrew)
  7. Report of the Co-Chair (Colin)
  8. Report of the Infrastructure Lead (Vince)
  9. Report of the Trails & Greenways Representative (Leon)
  10. Action Item Review
  11. Updates
    1. Oakdale letter
    2. United Boulevard Letter
    3. Approval of New Member Introduction Brochure
      1. View here
    4. Sumiqwuelu
  12. New Items
    1. Approval Request - Clarke Street quick-build PBLs - re-submit letter
      1. View letter here
    2. Coquitlam Road Safety Strategy
      1. View RFP here
    3. Lougheed MUP - Westwood to Pinetree
      1. View RFP here
  13. Other items brought up by members