May 2015

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TriCities HUB Committee Meeting Minutes

Date/time: May 5, 2015, 7:00-8:50PM.

Location: Coquitlam Public Library, 1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam

Attendees:Kristen Meersman (Poco Engineering Director), Brad Nickerson, Leon Lebrun, David Dowdell, Claude Theriault, Jack Trumley, George Snow, Sean Rafferty, Fiona Walsh, Simon Watkins, Andrew Hartline


1. Visit from the new Director of Engineering and Operations, City of Port Coquitlam. Kristen Meersman. Meeting to introduce each other and compare notes.

Kristin explained the transportation planning process in the City of Port Coquitlam. The capital plan for the next 5-years is being re-done. Investment in new infrastructure is being considered from small projects up to large projects such as the Kingsway redevelopment for which the City of PoCo share is in the order of about $300,000. HUB committee members expressed that HUB would like to be consulted before construction. Kristin mentioned that there is a Transportation advisory group that meets periodically including councillors from each municipality. She was asked if local interest groups would be invited to the meetings. There was no clear answer. Kristin was invited to come back to a future HUB meeting.

2. Bike-to-work week volunteers needed. Info:

Volunteers were solicited for each of the 3 Tricities BTWW celebration stations

• Monday PM at Foster and Poirier, near Centennial SS

• Wednesday PM at Guildford and Lansdowne, and

• Tuesday AM at IOCO and Murray

3. Updates:

-Bike locker updates (Jack T.) Still looking for options

-Port Mann Bridge: Opening of the bridge will not be possible before Bike Day on Canada / Start of Bike to Work Week sue to missing safety barriers.

-Coquitlam council presentation: The council presentation is slated for Monday May 11 and Jack is set to go with graphics that Leon helped to put together for the presentation.

4. AOB

Discussed the trail and bike path options through Port Moody to the Barnet Highway following Moody street. The original path has been disrupted by the Evergreen Line construction. The path follows Vintner and Douglas/Short Streets, but it would be more desirable to have the path follow the more direct routing along the skytrain route; although this would involve going through the parking lot of one of the industrial property owners underneath an elevated section of guideway.

Brad Nickerson introduced himself as a graphic designer interested in cycling education for children. He has put together a “Bike rodeo in a box” with all the materials needed to set up and run a course in a parking lot or Gymnasium. Brad showed the mini version. There is also a larger version. Some HUB members expressed interest in possibly setting up a course for youngsters at Canada Day or the Teddy Bear Picnic.

Minutes prepared by Dave Dowdell

Meeting chairedby Simon Watkins