November 2022

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Leon, Kathryn, Colin, Dragana, Cindy, Dragana, Andrew, Colleen

Sumiquelu update

Some emails over the last few days show that the meeting time is now changing. (Vince, Leon, Coquitlam) Sumiquelu stakeholders (Facilities staff etc). Meeting is bumped to around Monday, November 21st.

Municipal election updates

Amy Lubik edged out David Stuart in Port Moody!

PoMo has a more development-friendly Council, we hope that this will accelerate the development of cycling infrastructure

PoCo Mayor-Elect Brad West has expressed some interest in making the city "family-friendly"; let's look into using that as leverage around school zones.

Project updates

In (almost) all Tri-Cities municipalities, cycling projects are behind schedule. St. Johns MUP is behind schedule. Gatensbury MUP is delayed by relocating of hydro poles. Fremont extension is behind schedule. United Blvd MUP is behind schedule. Etc; the list goes on for a while.

Colony Farm trail update

20M dike project as part of a climate change grant for the KFN. Looks very promising for linking up the Colony Farm Sheep Paddock Trail to the Port Mann Bridge. It may even be asphalt topped (in order to help qualify for active transportation grants)

Bike to Shop Week

Cindy went in Austin Heights, it was nice!

Other business

Oakdale update: Development is coming. Dragana spoke to the Oakdale neighborhood association as someone who bike through the neighborhood but hasn't received any response. A MUP is supposed to happen on North Road, through the dip, but on the Coquitlam side. Oakdale Neighborhood Association and Coquitlam council are interested in seeing it go in on the Burnaby side, insted, where there are no intersections.

Coquitlam: Key performance indicator for biking: 70 percent of people within 400 meters of a bike route. Dragana was interested in whether this meant a "safe bike route". Coquitlam claimed that 76 percent of people in the muni live within 400 meters of a bike route. Dragana couldn't get them to share their methodology. She is interested in doing her own project to gauge where people in Coquitlam live in relation to bike routes.

Colin Most respondents to HUB's municipal election survey were positive about eliminating parking minimums. We should try and work on this as it's a very exciting idea.

Glen Elementary

Some flexi-bollard curb bulges on Glen near Pipeline make it very hard for cyclists to get through or activate the pedestrian beacon. We hope that this is only a temporary issue as lots of development is slated for this area.

Coquitlam River pedestrian bridge north of David near Crystal Falls Trail

Supposed to come with development, sounds really nice


Calgary have two more A's: Always Accessible, meaning lanes are maintained through snowfall etc, and also lit. Great idea! Some of the facilities in PoMo meet this criterion and it's something we should think about in our advocacy.