2021-02-04 Summary

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  • Attendees: Don, Erika, Peter, Paul, Heather, Fred, Antje.


  • [2020-Summary|2020 New Infrastructure - draft] - List + map - Don
  • Recruiting: Looking for a few people
    • CNV Liaisons
    • Vice Chair
    • MoTI Liaison

Goals & Objectives

City of North Vancouver - Erika

  • Fines doubled for blocking a bike lane
    • CNV voted Monday night on new bylaw against "stopping, parking or otherwise impeding a mobility lane" with a fine of $200.
    • Previously a $100 fine for the more vague "impeding traffic" — 295 of those notices last year
    • On the subject of mobilitiy lanes: "The ability for electric motor assist push/kick scooters to utilize designated mobility lanes will be considered by staff at a later date, subject to the City’s pilot proposal to permit these devices being approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and Provincial Cabinet."
  • 2021 Capital Plan
    • Transportation and Streets allocated $15.7 million which includes funding for Esplanade Complete Streets project, cycling and transit improvements, greenways, and Priority Mobility Network Improvements

AI - Erika to find out how much is for Cycling

  • Esplanade Update
    • Community engagement has ended with 91 responses on Let's Talk CNV. Phase 2 (winter 2020) is "share what we heard and gather feedback." In spring 2021 they will present the final design, summarize Phase 2 feedback and then report back to council including the construction timeline. Construction to begin in summer/fall 2021. Project page: https://letstalk.cnv.org/esplanade-complete-street
  • e-Bike share pilot
    • Applications for operators are open until Feb 17
  • Be my co-pilot
    • Heather has moved on to a communications role. Thank you Heather! Erika needs a new co-pilot or two!
  • City Priority Routes
    • Phase 1
      • 1st Street (almost complete)
      • Casano-Loutet overpass (construction starts in the spring)
      • Jones (23rd to Hwy) - not sure when

District of North Vancouver - Sibylle/Fred

  • Liaisons met a couple times with Ingrid (DNV) and have another meeting scheduled
    • discussed HUB Priorities and 2021 plans
    • Liaisons requested road paving schedule, not finalized yet, but Ingrid confirmed that a section of LVR east of Molly Nye and Mount Royal east of Delbrook will be repaved in 2021. Ingrid will share complete schedule when available.

Lynn Valley Rd - Mtn. Hwy to Peters Road

  • Currently in the design stage
    • In general terms there will be a protected bike lane on both sides of Lynn Valley Rd as part of phase I.
    • Ingrid shared new designs, looking good, asked for some improvements at LV Rd & Mtn Hwy intersection.

Marine + Tatlow + W15th

  • Tatlow + W15th 2021 priority. Design mostly done.
    • Next is engagement with local residents.
    • Traffic levels are high for "Local residential street", due to existing traffic diversions,
      • they are not willing to all more traffic calming, but will monitor
  • Marine from Capilano to Garden is a big challenge (very tight)
    • Moving it up to be a 2022 priority!!! Good news
    • West Van Mayor expressed interest and see this as key connection

Rufus/Kirkstone and Brooksbank

  • DNV connection to Casano/Loutet overpass
    • DNV feels that existing road network is adequate (low traffic volumes) and are not planning on changes at this time,
    • Just signage and pavement markings.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

  • Input to the DWV 2021 budget
    • Mike, Paul and Peter have been in contact with the DWV Councillors individually concerning the budget.
    • 31 January response to Paul from Jenn Moller with her comments on HUB-NS priorities.
    • 2 February zoom discussion between Don, Paul, Peter and Mike.
    • 3 February response to Jenn Moller from Paul.
    • [1] 3 February input of comments on the budget by Peter to the District website
    • [2] This response from staff is posted at: https://www.westvancouverite.ca/budget
  • Widening of the south sidewalk on the Welch Street Bridge over the Capilano River
    • Park Royal has signed the contract for the work and Vice President Rick Amantea has provided us with the engineering drawings.
    • [3] Engineering drawings
    • The project is expected to be completed by the end of June.
  • Meeting with Mayor Booth re NXTSTP.
    • Mayor supportive of Active Transport component.
    • Squamish Nation and WV both want to more lower level road forward. - better bike crossing than welsh st bridge. but when?
    • Transport Dept is short staffed and they need to approve hiring to get thing moving.

MOTI - Don/Antje

  • Lower Lynn - Monthly meeting
    • Mountain Hwy Interchange
      • Action items from active transportation safety audit
      • 4m MUP along westbound Mtn Hwy offramp
        • it will have ~10 "Refuge" areas (level spots) on this long hill, resulting in bump's for cyclists.
        • we raised several safety concerns on the initial design and they are reviewing it.
      • Requested physical protection in bike lane buffers on Mtn Hwy between Keith and the overpass.
        • MoTI is fine installing them, but DNV will have to maintain bikelane & sidewalks, so we need to get DNV to agree
        • AI: Don to raise with DNV.
    • Fern Street Overpass
      • will be closed soon, vehicles will move to part of new overpass, cyclist & pedestrians will have to detour via trail beside Lynn Creek.
  • BC Economic Recovery funding - for MoTI
    • started in Nov, must be spend by March!
    • HUB provided feedback to design team (Parsons) on early design of Lynn Valley Rd underpass and Capilano Rd interchange
    • 3 North Shore Projects:
      • Lynn Valley Rd Underpass - Design only (ready to put out to tender) - currently early draft
        • 2m bikeway next to 2m pedestrian path, less thought underpass
        • Congested section N of underpass due to property line and future crossing of new greenway
        • Requested removal of slip lanes, or making them more orthogonal to improve sightlines & safety.
      • Capilano Road interchange - Design only (ready to put out to tender) - currently early draft
        • 4m MUP from EB Hwy to Cap Road - low priority
        • Asked them to add upgrading connection for North Intersection to North sidewalk and thus Hugo Ray in West van
        • 4m bi-directional bikelane + sidewalk from Cap rd to Keith
        • Improved South intersection crossings & islands (NB)
        • 2m Bikelane next to 2m sidewalk NB on Capilano Rd (1.8+1.8 north of bridge)
        • 2M Bikelane next to existing sidewalk SB on Capilano Rd
      • Lion Gate Bridge improvements - (Not just a design)
        • Still no details yet

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/Giacomo/Paul

  • We are working on a communications plan - next meeting later this month.