2019-11-14 Minutes

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Revision as of 17:16, 18 November 2019 by imported>Dpiercy (→‎District of North Vancouver - Jay/Giacomo/Ryan)
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Present: Don, Jay, Fred, Tammy, Heather, Antje, Ryan, Erika, Dave P, Tony V, Martyn, Fiona, Rhiannon, Lyle

  • Agenda additions
    • Thank You cards for staff (see item below)
    • MLA meetings (see item below)

Goals & Objectives

  • 2019 Goals: 3 Top Priority Bikeways + Active Transportation Coordinator
    • 1. DNV/CNV approval in principle of priority bikeways
    • 2. Active transportation coordinator - less critical however, the e-bike share coordinator role seems to have covered some components of it
  • Possible 2020 Goals:
    • 1. Establish implementation plan for priority network (3 bikeways)
    • 2. Ensure budget allocation for priority network (3 bikeways)
    • 3. Activate Bike Share program
    • 4. Establish communication with business community
    • 5. Grow membership by 10%
    • 6. Complete bridgehead connections
    • 7. Define a solution for Welch Street
    • 8. Project priority list
    • 9. Enhance monitoring and data collection capabilities (before / after studies)
    • 10. Push for more transparent staff communications on major projects (e.g. Esplanade bike lanes)
    • 11. Raise North Shore cycling issues with MOTI and be represented in planning study
    • 12. Engage with Metro Van parks department
    • 13. Engage with developers
    • 14. Establish school liaisons
  • Based on the above candidate goals, we will summarize and try to narrow down to 3 (via doodle poll or similar)
  • Discuss and confirm at December meeting


  • Elections & Roles - see proposed candidates below
    • Chair & Vice Chair - Don & Jay
    • CNV Liaison team - Erika & Heather
      • CNV ITC rep - Fiona
      • CNV Council Monitor - Rob?
    • DNV Liaison team - Jay, Ryan & Giacomo
      • DNV TTP rep - confirm this is still active and number of spots available - ACTION - Fiona to confirm
      • DNV Council Monitor - TBD?
    • DWV Liaison team - Paul & Peter S. - potential to recruit additional members from cycling clubs
    • MoTI Liaison team - Antje, Giacomo & Jay
    • Translink Liaison team - Fred
    • BCFerries Liaison team - Peter S. to coordinate with broader HUB committee reps
    • Events Coordinators - TBD - will put out to mailing list
    • Communications Team - Heather, James, Antje & Martyn
    • Developer Liaison - Fred?
    • Schools Liaison - Tammy & Martyn
    • Membership - TBD?
    • Metro Van Parks - TBD?
    • Seniors - TBD?
    • RCMP / Police - TBD?
    • Mobility (scooters, ebikes, etc) - TBD?
  • Bikes Mean Business Campaign
    • On pause
  • HUB State of Cycling project
    • Request for Photos of good infrastructure
    • Classification definitions v5.7 released
    • Comments being compiled for preliminary North Shore map
  • Cards for our partners
    • Photos of 2019 improvements to be put on thank you cards for municipalities, MOTI - ACTION - Antje to compile images for photocards
    • Sign at next meeting
  • Meetings with MLAs schedule
    • Consider arranging a bike ride with local MLAs
    • MLA Ma recently purchased an eBike, the ride could be used to highlight route options, offer advice
  • Cycling Without Age Trishaws
    • HUB North Shore Donation - a number of members have expressed interest in donating
    • Are we able to include HUB North Shore on the sponsor logo - ACTION - Don to follow up with HUB to see if allowed to modify
    • Determine how the tax deductible donation can be collected and transmitted
    • Coordinate with "Giving Tuesday"
  • All Committee Workshop
    • Thurs, November 28, 5:30 - 8:30 pm, at HUB HQ
    • Social & Assessment Rides
    • BC Design Guide Dialog
  • Letters/Emails
    • Spirit Trail - Welsh & Capilano Rd speed bumps:
      • Paula B - just cc'ed, Vanessa replied
      • Ken T - replied to
      • Scott M - replied to
      • Alan B - replied to
      • R B - replied to
      • Paul A - replied to
      • Michael S - replied to
      • Jacob H - replied to
    • Marine Drive between Fell & Keith -
    • 2nd Narrows to Cap U - provided recommend routes
    • Priority Routes in CNV


    • Jill re: Jones overpass baffles (see CNV below) - Erika
    • Sacha re: secure weatherproof bike parking at schools - Who?

Events - Fred

  • Fall Bike to Work Week - Oct 21-25 2019
    • Celebration station Oct 22 at NE and of 2nd narrows was well attended and numbers continue to grow
    • ACTION - Don to send Antje counts so she can communicate results via Twitter (note for future BTWW try to get the data out earlier)
    • ACTION - for next BTWW Don to arrange for an loaner ebike to offer to councillors, MLA, etc for use

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather

  • Esplanade Protected Bike Lanes.

A new protected bike lane will be ready shortly along the Prominade development. This design has room for sidewalk, trees, bike lane, trees then car lane. there will be a textured surface separating the sidewalk and bike lane (similar to Carrall St approaching Expo Blvd in Vancouver) with the street trees between the bike lane and the curb. It will set the precedent for any new lanes.

    • A design concept for Esplanade was presented to ITC Oct 2 - HUB has asked for a copy to review.
    • See http://gispublic.cnv.org/apps/bline.html for more detail on design related to B-Line changes
    • It has its own project budget due to $5m price tag and complexity
    • Timeline: Consultation and design: 2020, construction: 2021
    • See November 4 council meeting package for staff report https://www.cnv.org/your-government/council-meetings
    • Thank you to those who wrote letters
  • Priority Corridors for AAA Mobility Lanes passed
    • Council to direct staff to proceed with the phased implementation of the Recommended Priority Corridors, following the Planning and Implementation Strategy process, as outlined in the report; planning and design for these priority AAA mobility lane corridors to consider opportunities to accommodate the needs and abilities for other non- pedestrian and non-auto modes of travel, including e-bikes, scooters and skateboards.
    • Short term route plans overlap reasonably well with HUB NS priorities. We gave our input to staff on the priority routes including the need to fill gaps and to prioritize routes in the densest areas (most potential)
  • New Mosquito Creek Bridge there will be wide sidewalks for peds and cyclists and a pathway underneath to connect to the trail, though with the off Marine bike route, the Marine Drive bike lanes are not likely to stay and some recent changes indicate this. ** Marine Dr Mosquito Creek Bridge
  • Mackay MUP A wide MUP has been constructed on top of the dyke being built for flood mitigation and there will also apparently be bike lanes on both sides with parked car buffers in places. As of last ride, incomplete striped bike lanes and the MUP itself had not yet been finished. Road was in poor condition next to the unpaved part of the MUP. Connection to other side of Marine remains to be seen.
  • Integrated Transportation Committee -
    • How do we get HUB representative on this committee - appointments start 1-Feb-2020 for 2 years
    • We need a representative to attend these monthly meetings
    • Brent Hillier is currently on it.
    • Erika has applied to Climate and Environment Advisory Task force for which zero emissions transportation is a topic

District of North Vancouver - Jay/Giacomo/Ryan

  • 29th Street protected bike lanes (Tempe Cres to Lynn Valley Rd)
    • work is nearing completion
  • Lynn Valley Town Centre infrastructure
    • protected bike lanes being completed through new "Town Centre Connector" extension of E29th from Lynn Valley Road to E27th
    • protected bike lanes also coming for E27th from Mountain to "Town Centre Connector" and future "Creek to Peak" bikeway. Road is currently closed to accommodate this construction
  • Targeted OCP Review
    • Public consultation underway. Make sure to add online feedback on transportation / climate emergency priorities
  • Weekly Traffic Bulletin
    • Updated every Friday on DNV website and highlights not only construction closures / work zones but the purpose of the closures (i.e. new bike lanes, sidewalks etc)
  • Feedback discussion from Council Transportation Workshop - November 4, 2019
    • Parking management and bike network priorities were the key topics
  • Last meeting with Staff- October 8, 2019
    • discussion on potential "Low Level" and "Creek to Peak" route options
    • integration with MOTI work on Lower Lynn next phases
  • Follow up to pursue gap closure options for Lions Gate Bridge to McGuire / W 15th bike route
  • Seymour Estates redevelopment (Mount Seymour Parkway and Lytton) - potential to push for better infrastructure along frontage [1] The developer is planning to provide a large bike room at grade with secure enclosures for bikes.
  • Ongoing correspondence with Steve Ono regarding delineators on Riverside Drive - these are generating close passes and driver aggression - request for signage / markings so it is clear bikes may take lane
  • Issues tracker: [2]
  • 20 in 20 updates?

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter

  • Hugo Ray connector Completed
    • Paul as well as Mayor Booth & Bowinn Ma spoke at opening ceremony
    • Mayor Booth & Councillor S both excited by upper-levels greenway project
  • Welch Street Spirit Trail bumps are permanent per Squamish Council.
  • Is there interest to have HUB explore opportunities to transform Welch Street into a one-way single lane westbound and create a two way cycling path on the east bound lane. This could be tested as a pilot to work out the kinks and get driving public used to it. Planter boxes worked well on the Spirit Trail in WV. The arguments for this dedicated and protected bike path might include: 1) Shoppers wanting to stop at Park Royal during the evening rush hour are not impacted. 2) East bound vehicle traffic tends to be “rat-running” in the mornings by those avoiding Marine Drive. 3) A two way cycle path improves safety of cyclists. 4) cyclists are not well served on Marine Drive which lacks a protected bike route and cyclists must share lane with buses.
  • Need to get the mayor and council informed and excited about our top priority Dundave to Cap Rd route.

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/James/Martyn

  • Channels
    • Yahoo Group -
    • Twitter - Antje sends out local news
    • FaceBook - Heather started open Facebook group
    • HUB membership (NS) possible monthly newsletter
  • Communications
    • Upcoming HUB Events & meetings
    • Current cycling news & NS Issues
    • Publicizing opportunities to provide input (Public meetings, online surveys, ...)
    • Request for support of improvements & projects
    • Annual committee update - Don
  • How to expand our reach & effectiveness
    • Other groups - Cycle clubs, NSMBA
    • Local media (NS News & Global Canadian)
    • Any other ideas
    • Presentations to Councils, business groups(BIA), schools? ...
  • Recruiting "interested but concerned" people
    • Membership coordinator?
    • Update the HUB-NS recruiting card
    • adopt-a-gap
    • reach out to people who cc us on letters/emails to governments.
  • Create a library of good/bad infrastructure on the North Shore
    • Need a volunteer(s) and a list of locations.

BC Ferries - Peter S

  • HSB Terminal input now closed. Our key issues:
    • Access to Ticket Booths from both Highway and Spirit Trail
    • Holding areas for Cyclists
    • Protected Bikepath from terminal to Exit 0 (Spirit Trail) and also to Highway shoulder
  • Interisland Ferry design consultation just starting - need link

Translink - Fred/Antje

  • e-Bikes on Buses
  • Bike parking at Exchanges:

MOTI - Antje/Giacomo/Jay

  • Mountain Highway Interchange
    • Interim intersection complete, pathway complete to Shavington on west side, underpass to Lynnmouth cul-de-sac paved but finishing works underway
    • We provided final input on remaining issues to project manager Jay Porter
    • Rhiannon and Lyle provided pictures and comments / concerns relating to light pole obstruction of southbound pathway, road to curb transitions and motorist right-turn behaviour at intersections
  • Ironworkers Memorial Bridge
    • Fencing gaps have been closed. No response to our letter on this and other maintenance issues nor any changes to wayfinding
  • Lower Lynn Interchanges next phases
    • Provided marked up comments to Jay Porter on Phases 1 through 4 signage and pavement marking plans. Key concerns are dismount locations northbound Mountain Highway at project limit and two-stage crossing of Dollarton Ramp.
  • Hwy 1 North Shore Corridor Study Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay
    • Review and update priority improvements in MOTI jurisdiction



  • joined us for a publicity campaign on Bike Theft & 529 Garage at BTWW & would like to attend again in spring
  • were pleased to hear of Jay's success in quickly getting his stolen bike back thanks to the 529 Garage app alert and police diligence.

Bike to School

  • Should we have a Liaison to other groups and/or the school district?
  • we have had 2 interested parties