Meeting Summary: Sep 14, 2017

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  • Introductions: Tony (chair), Peter T, Peter S, Antje, Fiona, Erika, Fred, John, Giacomo, Don, Nelson, Allen Francis from WV and Guest speaker from CNV, Daniel Watson
  • Events:
    • Tony plans to participate in bike the night on 16 Sept, going to Concord Pacific Place from 6-8 then the ride later.
    • Rivers Day Creek to Creek Festival - Sunday, September 24, 12-4pm - need volunteers.
    • HUB's Bike to Work Week from October 23rd - 29th.– we-ll plan for the same location at the north end of the IWMB and target Thursday evening – Dianne has contacts for refreshments and Obsession Bikes will participate.
    • HUB AGM Saturday the 23rd (1:00 - 4:00pm)– Tony will participate and talk about items such as the number of HUB letters that we have written, major successes such as the West Van Spirit Trail separation and delegation presentations to North Shore municipal councils.

City of North Vancouver

  • 300 block West Esplanade by the yoga studio on the south side - a separated bike lane here is a great step forward even if it is only one block.
  • Spirit Trial is under construction behind Rona.
  • Tony asked about 2nd St through Moodyville – also about construction in the vicinity of bike lanes. We should ask for a copy of the construction in bike lane policy.
  • We should prepare a letter about additions to the Bike Master Plan (add Mahon Ave) and ask if there will be an update.

Other issues

  • Antje and Giacomo met with Jay Porter on 23 August. In responding to questions about the three interchanges, it seemed that they were on the defensive – At the Lillooet Rd interchange, the islands are too small - We want a MUP by the Superstore where there are 6 lanes of traffic – we should respond to their list and copies to the DNV and CNV (Antje will do it).
  • Antje led a discussion on mounting and dismounting at on and off ramps where we have not been able to make any progress.
  • Tony, Heather and Antje met with Bowinn Ma but it was not clear how she could support us. We feel that instead of giving money for MUPs it should go to separated bike lanes. We should do a thank you letter to her

and request removing PST on e-bikes.

  • Fiona talked about HUB Burnaby's postcards on one project where they collect signatures on them to promote improvements for cycling.

Special Presentation: by Daniel Watson

  • He came with detailed drawings segregated by sections of the plans for bike routes on the roadways adjacent to the the Green Necklace from Lonsdale Ave and 23rd Street east to Grand Boulevard.
  • We were pleased to hear that its planned to have separated bike lanes on the sections of roadway adjacent to the planned new Harry Jerome Recreation Centre on the 23rd Street bike route from Lonsdale Ave east to St Andrews Ave.
  • East of St Andrews, there would be traditional bike lanes up to Ridgeway Ave and again east on 19th Street to Grand Boulevard.
  • There is no decided plan yet for that section of roadway on Grand Boulevard between Ridgeway Ave and 19th Street, although the Green Necklace would be possibly be on one of the benches east of and above the roadway.
  • He seemed interested in the suggestion from Erika that this section of the roadway be made one-way which could allow for separated bike lanes.
  • We were informed that the City of North Vancouver is hosting an open house about the last segment of the Green Necklace, from Lonsdale to Grand Blvd. It will be held on Wednesday, September 27th from 5pm – 7pm

at the Silver Harbour Senior’s Centre Gymnasium, 144 East 22nd Street. All presentation boards and an online questionnaire will be posted on September 28 at:

District of North Vancouver

  • Pilot bike lane on Highland Blvd - When repaving Highland Blvd it is hoped to put in an uphill bike lane by removing the car climbing lane – only a section of Highland will be done as a trial it this fall – we should get a letter about it in the NS News or through North Shore Safe Routes to School.
  • Mount Seymour Parkway at Riverside will have signal phasing for cyclists.
  • Lynn Valley Road - a separated Sutherland crossing confirmed but no LED flashers at the Hwy 1 on-ramp still, but our proposal for them has been documented.

District of West Vancouver

  • On 7 September, Peter S and Paul met with District Engineering staff to review their latest plans for improving safety on the Wardance Bridge (see uploaded files: Wardance DWV Proposal 2 West.jpg and Wardance DWV Proposal 2 East.jpg). We were successful in convincing them to change the green-boxed sharrows across the bridge to narrow green-painted lanes with sharrows embedded with SHARE THE ROAD - SINGLE FILE signage.
  • Eagle Harbour Dropoff Area - no time to discuss
  • Public consultations on Traffic Calming Measures and a list of those that might be safe for cyclists - no time to discuss