Meeting Summary: July 13, 2017

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  • Introductions: Grant, Antje, Dianne, Nelson, Nick Jones, Martyn, Coline Ma, Kelsey Pfeiffer, Richard Warrington (guest), Fred, Daniel Fung, Michael Chung. Fiona, Don Fred, Peter T, Fiona, Dianne, Erika, Don P, Peter S, Tony (chair), Giacomo.
  • Potential Bike Lane parallel to Capilano Road (McGuire Avenue)
    • Presentation by a group led by Kelsey Pfeiffer, Pottinger Bird Community Relations, concerning the proposed development.
    • The project started in 2014 and involves the properties of Comfort Inn and Best Western on the east side Capilano Road just north of Marine Drive.
    • There have been workshops, an open house April 2015 and worked with the DNV to convene another public meeting two weeks ago.
    • 31percent of land will be dedicated for transportation including a bike lane on McQuire
    • There will be same number of hotel rooms but with conference centre to be part of the Lions Gate village plan – pedestrian oriented – courtyard plaza
    • The development itself will be pedestrian oriented with a courtyard plaza.
    • Daniel, the developer said that he is working with District to incorporate active transportation into the development in addition to a curb bike lane on Marine west of Capilano Road.
    • Planned is a Curling Road extension through to McQuire Ave which will be a walkway with green buffer on east side.
    • In addition to the planned 1.5m bike lanes on both sides of Capilano Road, the development plans for a bike lane on the west side of Mcquire Ave.
    • We suggested protected bike lanes wherever possible and a greenway between cars and cyclists.
    • There was a lengthy discussion about reducing parking spaces per residential unit (.75 parking spaces for rental unit) and secure bike parking inside the development, bike racks outside.
    • With regard to the next step, we were told that the next milestone is a public hearing. We said that we would like to see the next iteration of the plans before that public hearing.
    • Don will draft a HUB letter with our input to the development.
  • Richard Warrington came to talk to us about his experience with cycling in Denmark but due to a shortage of time he agreed to come again to preset to us at another meeting.
  • Events
    • Recap: Lynn Valley Days – Sat 17-June, 10:00-16:00 (Booth at Lynn Valley Park); Canada Day (North Van) - July 1, 12:00-16:00 (Booth at Celebration at Waterfront park)
    • Next: West Van Bike to Shop Days 22 July where Peter S and Paul Stott will lead potential shoppers from Vancouver to Ambleside and Dundarave in West Vancouver
  • Emergency management
    • We can be affiliated with NS rescue – we could have a little group that could interact with them.
    • There will be a planned exercise in September so we would need some volunteers.

City of North Vancouver

  • Spirit Trail through Squamish Nation / Mosquito Creek.
  • 13th East of Lonsdale protected bike lane repainted.
  • Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure - Lower Lynn Interchanges project update.

District of North Vancouver

  • Queens pop up bike lane.
  • Lynne Valley Road design – there will be another meeting in August.
  • Series of Letters:
    • 1. Spirit Trail / MUP designs (baffle at Pemberton/Spirit Trail, bollards and shared crossings. We can start with the DNV and perhaps later send similar letters to CNV and DWV).
    • 2. Proposed new DNV Policy - new construction = new infrastructure (Examples: Rec Centre Queens and Deep cove / Dollarton 90 units.
    • 3. Maplewood Issues - fix it.
    • Antje offered to write two letters.

District of West Vancouver

End at 7.50pm for a Summer Social at jack Lonsdale's Public House