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TriCities HUB Committee Meeting Agenda

Date/time: Tuesday Sept 3, 7:00-8:50PM.

Location: Coquitlam Public Library, 1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam

In Attendance: Simon W, Claude T, Jack T, Andrew H, Sean R


1. Port Moody Safety Fair (Sept 27):

Andrew and Simon volunteered to set up information booth with interactive map and whiteboard.

Update: Good steady traffic gave away many maps. Next time bring HUB banner!

2. Port Coquitlam Rivers and Trails Festival (Sept 28):

Claude agreed to help lead ride from Lions Park to Peace Park.

Simon agreed to set up info table with interactive map at Peace Park on the PoCo trail

Update: This was a very successful event. Definitely recommend doing again. Gave away over 100 TriCities bikeroute maps

3. Working with local municipalities. Need to get municipalities to consult with us more.

Have good relation ship with Maintenance staff, but are not being consulted on infrastructure.

Action:invite Coquitlam to next meeting

4. Updates:Port Moody has put bikelane markings on IOCO between Guildford and Ungless

5. Fall BTWW? Committee decided not to initiate BTWW stations this fall.

Given low attendance at spring we feel it is not a good use of our time.

Simon Watkins TriCities HUB Committee