Meeting Summary: January 14, 2016

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  1. Attendance: Fiona, Dianne, Nelson, Don P., Don M, Martyn, Antje, Tony (chair), Peter
  2. Minutes Review
  3. Upcoming Project on Montroyal Blvd that includes Bike Lanes (Brian Counihan)
  4. Mountain Highway Interchange
    • Open House Tuesday, January 19, Holiday Inn & Suites, 700 Old Lillooet Road
  5. Review of Upcoming Events List Link:
  6. Plan for continuation of Spirit Trail Assessment Ride
  7. Review of Draft #Ungapthemap list (group discussion)
  8. Municipality engagement strategies
    • CNV Update (Heather)
    • DNV Update (Antje)
      • Lynn Creek Town Centre design guidelines
      • East Keith Road
      • Council workshop on AAA bike network / Kay Teschke
      • Council workshop on TDM / North Shore SRA?
    • DWV Update (Peter)
      • Work between 11th and 13th St on Keith Road (3 photos uploaded)
      • Participation in DWV Community Energy and Emissions Plan workshop on 22 January

Nelson Ann Labelle, Dennis, Richard Campbell, Erika, Fred, Don P. , Antje, , tony, Peter Martyn

1. Brian Counihan– bidge on Mt Royal needs replacement – will be done this year add one more sidwalk and bike lanes 2x 1.5 m bike lanes skyline drive to glen canyon – 35m single span bridge – bike friendly barrie curb 3.5 m lanes (min) bollards, bufer and reduced width lanes suggested – mentioned he is working on Barrow st acces to IWMB 2. mtn hiwy interchange – open house on 19th – we have been working on this for over one year - 3. -what do we ask for and how do we do it – we have been pushing for separted bike lanes – jay porter project overpass idea and extra bridge over Lynn Creek – we should ask for what we want from fed infrastucture funding -another ide a grade separated path parrell to Hiwy.- we will get plans at open house and then we should get a joint meeting with heads of major projects- get Colin involved – 4m lane widt could be reduced to 3.5 meet with ministry to discuss the design and to politicians for more funds – mp open house on 19th 4. ungap the map list – add Mains Stree area 5. complet streets