Meeting Summary: July 9, 2015

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  1. Attendance: Peter (meeting chair), Dianne, Rob, Fiona, Heather, Don Piercy.
  2. Minutes Review
    • No discussion - accepted
  3. North Shore Safe Routes Advocates (NSSRA) request for HUB funding (10 min)
    • will consider a contribution after finding our more info - Peter will check with Amanada
  4. Mountain Highway exchange update (Devan 15 min)
    • Devan and Antje who worked on a HUB letter were not preset to discuss this item m- Heather will circulate the draft HUB response letter to MoT for comment
  5. Car Free day August 22
    • on Lonsdale in conjunction with the water slide.
    • Plan to lead a ride over back and forth over IWMB from points in Vancouver.
    • We will set up a booth and try to get a tent
    • We need to check with Colin at HUB HQ about insurance.
    • Dianne has the box of materials - we could get more supplies from HUB HQ.
    • We could survey people at booth about favourite routes or problems.
    • Suggest having at the booth a laminated enlarged version of the NS bike map - get pdf version of the map from the city of NV (from their website and get them to print it.
    • Don will coordinate with this with the city.
    • Heather will help coordinate plans for our participation in the event.
  6. HUB-NS outreach package
    • deferred to next meeting due to the abscence of Dennis.
  7. West Keith Road/13th Street, North Van Open House
    • Rob and Heather attended the open house held on 24 June.
    • A lengthy discussion ensued looking at the various options for pedestrians and cyclists on the web site( well as paper copies.
    • There was overall agreement that there should be AAA facilities for cyclists in both the east and west directions.
    • The option that came closest to this for the section from Marine Drive to Jones Ave. was Concept B1 - it was suggested however the configuration going west on the north side should be the same as on the south side.
    • The option that came closest to this for the section from Mahon Ave. to Chesterfield Ave. was Concept C2.
    • Heather urged those at the meeting to go on the website and complete the survey before the deadline of 12 July - she will send out a notice to the Yahoo email list
    • Don offered to draft up a HUB letter with our recommendations and circulate it for comment.
  8. West Van cycling infrastructure update
    • Spirit Trail
      • Eagleridge Community Centre, west side of Marine Drive past Eagleridge school to Exit 0 by the end of August.
      • improvement to Orchill Road section as well.
      • Consultant to propose a route from Exit 0, to top of Royal Avenue then to Horseshoe Bay followed by public consultation in September.
      • Plan being developed to extend Spirit Trail in Ambleside from 13th to 19th along Argyle - part of a waterfront plan to go to Council.
      • meeting later this month with Park Royal to see what their plans are for the Wardance Bridge.
      • Looking for possibilities to install sections of the Spirit Trail near or on Marine Drive between 25th St and Cranley Drive.
    • North end of the Lions Gate Bridge
      • Wayfinding signage still in planning and negotiating stage - could be installed in 3-4 weeks.
      • Trees have been cleared in a section of walkway on the south side of Marine Drive between Taylor Way and the Capilano Pacific Trail - could be improved for cyclists.
    • North side of highway 1 from Capilano River Bridge to 3rd Street may be done at the end of this fiscal year if funds are available if not, then in 2016.
    • Grosvenor Ambleside 1300 block redevelopment - no cycling facilities shown on Grosvenor website ( surrounded by designated bike routes.
      • Peter will draft a HUB letter to the West Van mayor and councillors asking what the plans are to make improvements to the four roads that surround the re-developemnt which are all part of designated bike routes.
    • 1100 block Keith Road - sidewalk to be installed on south side this summer - may paint a bike lane on the north side if there is enough room.
    • John Calimente would like names and contact info of cyclists in West Van who may wish to comment on cycling infrastructure plans.
      • In addition to requesting input from those on the Yahoo email list, it was suggested to try to contact HUB members from West Van and those belonging to the Seniors Activity Centre cycling groups.
      • It was also suggested that we convene one or two meetings a year in West Vancouver and invite those who have expressed interest in commenting on West Van cycling infrastructure plans.
  9. Ironworkers Memorial Bridge - suggested improvements to exit onto Dollarton
    • HUB letter was submitted on 26 June to Jay Porter, Senior Project Manager,Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure with our suggested improvments.
  10. Possible response to Transportation Plebiscite results - deferred to next meeting
  11. Plans for a group assessment ride along the Spirit Trail - deferred to next meeting
  12. Upcoming events including HUB picnic on 12 July
    • Attendees were reminded of the picnic
    • Car Free Day on 22 August will be the next event that we plan to participate in.
  13. Next meeting is planned for 13 August.