Meeting Summary: September 2, 2010
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- Attendance: Peter (chairing), John, Antje, Richard, Dianne, Fiona
- Lions Gate Bridge bike route plans (Peter)
- Peter sent list of concerns to MoT project manager and received reply, forwarded to email list
- Issue 1: westbound shared bike/car/transit lanes on Marine Dr, eliminating existing bike lane; we want to retain bike lane
- Issue 2: multi-use path going west from Capilano Bridge narrows too much; need ramp down to 6th St
- Issue 3: eastbound shared bike/car/transit lane on Marine Dr., worse than current wide paved shoulder; want bike lane
- Issue 4: southbound access to Lions Gate bridge, gap between Capilano Bridge and Lions Gate Bridge; need designated
- Issue 5: ramp connection to Lions Gate (west access) is one way; need two-way designation
- Issue 6: remove sign at east bound exit path that indicates two-way cycle traffic is possible; ask for sign saying one-way cycling
- Issue 7: cycling on cloverleaf and cross West Van lanes to get to south bound path; we drop this
- Issue 8: water pooling on multi-use path under Lions Gate Bridge (east, on Squamish land)
- Issue 9: more signage for way-finding
- Action: Peter to set up meeting with MoT on site, invite DWV and DNV transportation planners (Brent Dozzi, Jeremy Rennie)
- North Vancouver JBAC meeting recap (Antje)
- Antje and Fiona attend Sep 1 JBAC meeting
- Action: review North Van bike master plan, Antje to set up meeting
- Action: Antje/Jay to write letter requesting participation on JBAC, non-voting
- Capilano University access (Antje)
- Action: Antje to read report, draft comments or positive response and send to email list, then send to DNV, JBAC
- SeaBus facilities for bikes (Tamiko)
- Tamiko sent email to Translink, no response yet
- Second Narrows bridge (John)
- park issue of one-way vs. two-way travel for now, look at short-term issues first: path maintenance, signage, paint to better designate bike routes
- Action: John to develop plan for signage etc., send to email list for review, and communicate with Vancouver and Burnaby VACC committees
- signage at north end of IWMB for nearby local destinations and attractions e.g. Main Street, Seymour Parkway, Dollarton Highway, CapU, Deep Cove, Lynn Canyon, Park & Tilford shopping etc
- signage at north end of IWMB to nearby designated bike routes such as Mtn Hwy + ?
- signage along cycling routes
- street pavement painting where required (routes along Highway 1)
- crossing pavement painting such as elephant feet (Main St & ??) intersection to east of north end of IWMB)
- crossing signal request buttons at suitable locations for cyclists (various in tandem with other local crossings)
- sidewalk & shared pathway maintenance including foliage clearing & proper let-ins
- other low budget items that arise
- liaison with other parties
- VACC letter to North Shore Councils on funding from province, costs/benefits of cycling infrastructure (Antje)
- Action: Antje to draft letter
- Wiki improvements/updates (John)
- Action: John to set up with North Shore contact details for various issues regarding cycling
- Keith Road Greenway Public Workshop
- Saturday, September 11, 9:30am-noon
- Fiona will attend meeting
- Next group ride: Sep 9 at 6pm, Peter will lead a ride at north end of Lions Gate Bridge, meeting point: White Spot parking lot
- Next meeting: Thursday October 7 at 6pm