April 2017

From committees
Revision as of 06:10, 5 April 2017 by Watgringo (talk | contribs)
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7 PM, 4 April 2017 Coquitlam Library, City Centre Branch 1169 Pinetree Way (by Lincoln Skytrain station)

Update from Andrew re. Andres site development in Port Moody

  • Interesting Committee of the Whole meeting in Port Moody last month
  • lots of public support for the project
  • positive outcome for the developers
  • Andrew spoke there on behalf of HUB and pushed connectivity

Update from Andrew re. Port Moody MTP "TransPortMoody"

BikeBC money for Coquitlam

Call for Cycle Highway Working Group

  • Jack, Andrew, Jeff to look into joining, anyone else will be welcome too
  • Committee identified United Blvd as a prime cycle-highway not included in email
  • Andrew H. to reply and follow up

UnGap the Map updates

  • Committee identified major north-south and east-west connections as the main map gaps in the Coquitlam map.
  • Dream E-W route: separated lane along Austin, the natural east-west connector
    • Reality: Austin is busy and Coquitlam is cut up by many natural barriers. This lane would be politically costly although it certainly makes the most sense and is wasteful as a car-only route.
  • Dream N-S route: Connect Gatensbury up to Maillardville via Marmont or Nelson.
    • This one doesn't have to be politically or financially expensive... would just be a matter of better

PoCo Grand Prix

  • seeking HUB volunteers
  • Our classic booth is an easy and effective thing to do. But, any more creative ideas?


  • HUB AGM in Coquitlam
    • Coq library has the capacity and proximity to Skytrain
    • Exact dates to come
    • Jack to look into getting a room booked inexpensively
  • Group rides
    • Let's set up a group ride before BTWW, some Sunday after Wheel to Heal?
    • Suggested route (from Jeff) - across Pitt River Bridge, around some dikes
    • May 12th-19thish, but not Mothers' Day
