Burnaby LC Minutes - December 2023

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HUB Burnaby LC monthly meeting at 7pm to 8:30pm on Dec 13, 2023

Attendees: Blake, Jasper, Daryl, Sebastian, Julian

1. Introductions 2. Blake summarised what HUB LC does 3. The meeting with HUB about how to do LC stuff is pushed to January 4. Scheduled a brief meeting with CoB DOT Dec 15 at noon 5. Summary of last Friday’s meeting with Metro Van about Imperial water main and Douglas Rd. 6. Summary of last Monday's summit meeting on active transportation to schools 7. Micromobolity and electric kick-scooters in Burnaby: currently no by-laws. Not clear if we should/can advocate for micromobility devices specifically or only alongside bikes 8. Went over Miro board and Strava Metro 9. Social ride ideas 10. Should plan some scouting/ride-around in Metrotown to list problematic crossings 11. Status of letters. Blake will contact HUB central about how to handle Oakdale, where two municipalities are involved.