2019-05-09 Minutes

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  • Agenda additions - no additions
  • Attendees: Jay, Peter S., Peter T., Martyn, Erika, Fred

2019 Objectives

  • 3 Top Priority Bikeways + Active Transportation Coordinator
    • Liaisons to prepare Agenda for meetings with Mayors & Councillors - staff and some cycle-friendly councilors have seen the draft, working to arrange meeting before summer season
  • How do we measure progress on these goals? - currently struggling to have regular monthly meetings with staff due to time commitments of both parties


  • RAC meeting - no updates this month
  • 2019 20 in 20 - discuss in each municipality section
  • Red cup project - Martyn raised awareness of several gaps on the north shore using red cups to illustrate lack of protection for vulnerable cyclists.Red Cup Project


  • Upcoming
  • Bike to Work Week - May 27-Jun2 2019
    • Tue May-28: NE end of 2nd Narrows - 16:00-18:30
    • Thur May-30: 19th & Grand Blvd - 16:00-18:00
  • BC Active Transportation Summit - June 17 & 18, New Westminister - BC Cycling Coalition.
    • Cost is relatively high, no NS attendees that we know of
  • Blueridge Good Neighbour Day - June 2, 11:00-15:00
    • Need 4 volunteers
  • Canada Day at Waterfront park - July 1,
  • Others? - Caribbean Days, Salmon Festival, ???

City of North Vancouver - Erika

  • Meeting with CNV bylaw officer being scheduled with Heather. Focus on concerns with delivery vehicles blocking bike lanes in and around Lower Lonsdale / Esplanade. Although enforcement will help, major delivery companies treat it as the cost of doing business and design solution is needed. Erika noted a confrontation with a UPS driver who had blocked the Esplanade bike lane - response was they do it every day.
  • Next meeting - TBD
    • We have requested monthly meetings with staff (but have not heard back)
  • Action items: plan meetings with Councillors to present our goals
  • 20 in 20 list - Google maps and spreadsheet summaries complete including items from 2018 that were not completed.

District of North Vancouver - Jay

  • Riverside Drive delineators - concerns relayed to various levels of staff. Responses indicate the delineators were installed to protect walkers and those using transit but width is substandard and there is no provision for on-road riding (signage, speed limit reductions). No immediate action appears to be forthcoming other than future plans will address long term needs.
  • new wayfinding signage - staff are currently working on 15th parallel to Marine no ETA for Lynn Valley priority routes
  • NV Bike masterplan update - to follow up at next meeting
  • Provided comments on 1st / Mackay buffered bike lanes - to follow up at next meeting
  • 1st / Mackay construction detours and signage corrective action request
  • Bike BC funding support request re: 29th Avenue. Letter of support provided - to follow up at next meeting with conditions for future requests to staff (i.e. must be AAA, preferred on our priority routes).
  • Next meeting - TBD - challenges in getting face to face meetings with staff
  • Presentation to bike-friendly Councillors - TBD
  • 20 in 20 list

District of West Vancouver - Peter S

Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan - Phase 1 - visioning meetings (https://www.westvancouverite.ca/plan-hsb)

  • Bike racks for Ambleside and Dundarave - funds are available - design of the racks is being considered and a design contest is underway with a closing date 0f 15 May.

BC Ferries - Peter S

Translink - Fred

  • e-Bikes on Buses - Update on HUB HQ discussions with TransLink
  • Bike parking at Exchanges:
    • letter to Translink re Lonsdale Quay
    • Also want space for future at Phibbs (and for bike share)

MOTI - Jay

  • Mountain Highway / Brooksbank temporary configuration - corrective action request sent to MoTI regarding narrow bike lane and lack of protection on Keith Road
  • Meeting with Jay Porter end of month to discuss next phases of work
  • Concerns with bumps, hazards and unsafe overtaking on LGB - may need to escalate