2019-02-14 Agenda

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Revision as of 23:16, 14 February 2019 by imported>Peter Scholefield
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HUB North Shore Committee holds regular meetings at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the second Thursday of every month. Everybody is welcome. The meetings are at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

2019 Objectives

  • 3 Top Priority Bikeways + Active Transportation Manager
    • Draft 4 of Presentation to be shared with all North Shore Councils - Don
    • Liaisons to review our Priorities with municipal staff and get agreement
    • Liaisons to prepare Agenda for meetings with Mayors & Councillors
  • How do we measure progress on these goals?


  • RAC meeting - Jay
    • Committee Action Plan provided to HUB
    • Committee handbook being updated
    • Potential white paper on business benefits of bike infrastructure
    • Regional working groups on Central Valley Greenway/Alex Fraser/Pattullo replacement
    • Construction guidelines for bike lanes (Vancouver template)
  • Infrastructure Funding Tracker - Liaisons to provide updates to HUB HQ
  • 2018 Infrastructure Successes Map - Jay provided input to HUB HQ
  • The State of Cycling in Metro Vancouver - HUB HQ to publish in early summer
    • Translink/HUB - Standardized definitions of Cycling Infrastructure
      • Should be publish in late spring
      • looking for volunteers to do assessments of NS routes.
  • Letters of support for B-Line - Don
    • Positive acknowledgments received from: Jordan Black, Steve Ono, Linda Buchanan & Tony Valente
  • Guidelines for future "Letter of Support" - Don
  • HUB Training on NATCO Guidelines - Heather, Paul & Don to attend
  • Budget - Any needs for our committee?

Events - Lora

  • Bike to Work Week - May 27-Jun2 2019
  • 2019 plan

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather

  • Highlights from January meeting
  • ITC - Fiona
    • Casano – Loutet Overpass - detailed design 60% done, built in late 2019. requesting bike BC funding
    • Marine Dr Mosquito Creek Bridge - includes protected bike lanes at the sidewalks in two directions, start in March, finish in Fall
  • Next meeting -
    • B-Line changes to include 2 sections of off street bikepath: 1) On Third Street along Moodyville Park moving east on the south side 2) from Gladstone to Brooksbank on the southside only. Sent a Letter to Mayor, Council and Staff regarding support for B-Line in general, but also asking for safe bike routes. The route includes Esplanade which really needs fixing.
    • Don and Heather responded to a request for comment from CBC regarding the death of the person cycling along Esplanade. When we get the details, we will think about a HUB response.
    • We have requested monthly meetings with staff (but have not heard back)
    • Attended the INSTPP meeting with TransLink and MLA Bowinn Ma. Many pro-cycling people in the room.
  • CNV response re collision on Green Necklace - http://wiki.bikehub.ca/northshore/images/9/93/CNV_response_re_collision_on_Green_Necklace.pdf

District of North Vancouver - Antje/Jay/Giacomo

  • Highlights from January meeting
    • 3 priority bikeways provided to staff .
    • new wayfinding signage - would like to focus on preferred bikeway routing between Lower Lynn TC / 2nd Narrows and Lynn Valley TC. HUB provided compiled input on what routes we prefer and where improvements are needed for staff assessment.
    • Cycling & Work Zones - have a draft guideline - review comments provided to staff.
    • NV Bike masterplan update - RFP for consultants released.
  • Provided comments on 1st / Mackay buffered bike lanes.
  • Bike BC funding support request re: 29th Avenue. Letter of support in progress, will provide conditions for future requests to staff (i.e. must be AAA, preferred on our priority routes).
  • B-Line impacts / opportunities.
  • Next meeting - TBD

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter

  • B-Line controversy
  • 13 Feb update from John Calimente
    • North Shore e-bike share RFP underway - 1st pilot will be a docking system along Marine Drive corridor, Dundarave to and up Lonsdale, possibly also a dock at Grouse Mountain.
    • Hugo Ray connector - Capilano Bridge to 3rd Street - waiting for a permit from MoTI.
    • 3rd and Mathers ave to Taylor Way - draft design has been sent to MoTI.
    • Capilano Pacific Trail improvement up to Keith Road - draft design is with MoTI and Purchasing - TransLink funding - construction will take 3-4 weeks.
    • Wayfinding at the north end of Lions Gate Bridge - we will get to comment on the latest iteration.
    • Wardance Bridge sidewalk widening -the plan is with Squamish Nation - Park Royal wants it finished before the busy summer season - widening will be completed before finalizing approach at the east end.
    • Royal aveneu Horseshoe Bay

Translink - Fred/Antje

  • e-Bikes on Buses - Ask HUB HQ to raise with Translink?
  • from HUB HQ meeting with TransLink: SeaBus by bike, Lonsdale Quay parking, Phibbs parking & bike share space

MOTI - Giacomo/Antje