Meeting Summary: Mar 8, 2018

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  • Introductions: Peter S (chair) Dave Parfitt, Erika, Martyn, Christine Ried NSMBA, Nelson, Tammy, Fred, Duncan Brown, Peter T, Fiona, Don (Desmond Olsen visitor came later)
  • Annual Committee Budget (annual budget cycle ends on March 31st and does NOT carry over to next fiscal year
    • Peter brought copies of the TAC Chapter 5 Bicyclei Integrated Design book that Paul had borrowewd from HUB HQ and the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide that he a had purchased.
    • Peter wiil seek reimbursement for Paul from HUB NQ and it was suggested that we may also want to purchase the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide.
    • Don suggested that one useful purchase might be a wrap-around cover for our tent
  • Events
    • Tammy said the Bike the shore event on Sunday, March 4th Lynn Valley Square plaza was a success. The next Bike The Shore event is on May 6th.
    • She would like to get Haste involved through the North Shore Safety Council but has had trouble making a contact. Martyn though he could help get a contact.
    • She would like to have a bike rack for bus for the next event in Lynn Valley because there is interest in practising putting a bike on abus.
    • and/or Sunday, May 6th Times: 11-2pm Location: Lynn Valley Village Square.
    • Don reminded the group of upcoming events by referring to the 2017 event schedule -
    • We wil go into more detail on specificupcoming events at the April meeting.
  • Letters:
  • Consider recommending to NS Councils changes to the Motor Vehicle Act -
  • Future of HUB NS - Yahoo Group - move to Google?

District of North Vancouver

  • Paul Pakulak, Section Manager Streets, accepts HUB Bike Award for DNV responsiveness to cyclist concerns
  • Kirkstone Greenways for Cycling -
  • 2018 DNV repaving list / budget spend - coming from Ingrid
  • Maplewood Plan - HUB by Invitation Only Attendance (Darwin Properties and the Tsleil-Waututh Nation)- invitation to a meeting to better understand the Active Transportation values related to the North Shore Innovation District site (ie. Maplewood Northlands).

District of West Vancouver

Bowen Island

  • now on ungap the map and an area for growth

City of North Vancouver

  • W. 1st work to install sidewalks. Work does not include funding for bike lanes, but future work is possible additional consultation required.

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

Other Letters or Actions Required

  • 2012 Bike Masterplan Updates: 3rd Street / 2nd Street / Mahon -> Planned for 2018
  • HUB Structure and Sub-Committee Focus - discuss rotating chairs and note takers


Peter- chair Dave Parfit Erika, Martyn, Christine Ried NSMBA, Nelson, Tammy, Fred, Duncan Brown, Peter, Fiona, Don (Desmond Olsen visitor came later)

   Urban bike design guide. Paul Stott one copy, hub ns one copy. Reimburse Paul for one copy. Check hub hq for reimbursement.
   Tammy- would like to have a bike rack for bus in Lynn Valley. Interest in practising putting bike on bus.
   EVENTS- Tammy lynn valley square. Next event on May 6th Bike The Shore. Haste, north shore safety council. Silent so far. 
   Don- events a) possible Earth Day. MEC bike fest not happening.  Bike the Shore May 6th. Poss GlennEagles in May.  Btww again. Bike day in Canada, Canada Day. Will be asking for volunteers. Do we need things to buy now. Possibly a tent enclosure.  Don will look into it. We may have funds. More ballons. Have 2 large banners. Need folding table. Canadian tire? Peter to check funding. Need some give away for kids? Cycling map: Translink not coming forth. Antje had a good contact. Don to follow up. Any chance of getting a temp bike rack for tent visitors. Contact C - Media with advertising. BTWW - there are about 5 sponsored groups. Free mechanic. Suggestion to have a station at the top of Grand Boulevard. Lynn Valley Road cycle lane new. Dave Parfit: do we want to set up near lots of cars or lots of bikes.
   MODERNIZING MVA   Will HUB write a letter to north shore councils to support. Will get individuals in HUB to talk to council about the best approach. Lots of interest in this subject.
   Moving Listserver. One possibility is Google Groups.  Would need a google account. Share google calendar. Tagging capacity for say topics, import past emails maybe. Business version and non business. Christine wondered about Slack. They have non-profit link. Cost will be an issue. Yahoo Groups came via hub hq. Need to consult an IT person. We need to check with Hub hq. Library might have a IT person to consult with.
   DNV - Paul P of dnv got a hub award. Snow clearing advocate. Martyn has set up a meeting with Mayor Walton. Nvd needs specialty equipment. Social equity issue. Queens cycling lanes. Martyn will pursue this issue with District. HUB needs to have more voices asking. 
   Kirkstone Greenway. Trail there to turn it into a road? Only 6 metres wide. Concerns about the process. 
   Repaving  list. Don P ...?
   Maplewood. Transit survey open.
   District of West Vancouver:  Request of HUB to reduce cyclist speeds on Spirit trail. Submission letter to put on listserve. Problems with sight lines. Issue may be more related to cars and lack of green paint. Still issues around elephants feet. People may not understand. OCP for west van out for comments - Transportation and Infrastructur. Peter S. preparing a letter. Includes way finding. Stressing active transportation. Dave P. Woodcroft area.