Meeting Summary: February 9, 2017

From committees
Revision as of 04:04, 10 February 2017 by imported>Antje Wahl
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  • Introductions: Peter S (Chair), Don P, Fred, Erika, Antje, Dianne, Martyn, Giacomo
  • Review of prior meeting minutes
  • Sunrise Bike Ride next steps
    • Did not discuss, put on agenda for March when Tony is back
  • UnGapTheMap
    • Workshop 2: Peter and Fiona want to attend
    • Next steps: Peter to find out when workshop takes place, Antje to add gaps in DNV, Peter to review West Van, Antje to ask Andrew to filter by municipality and MOTI
  • Recap: SLOW DOWN North Shore public forum Jan 26, 6:30pm: Several committee members attended. Discussed
  • HUB Bike Theft Prevention Committee: Dianne reported on progress with Project 529 and relation with HUB, Bike to Work Week stations.
  • City of North Vancouver
    • Green Necklace Jones to Grand Blvd: Check with Tony, Heather about following up on a meeting. 2nd open house coming up, check dates and send to email list.
    • Safety education campaign by City for dooring, safe passing distance
  • District of North Vancouver
    • Lynn Valley Road underpass update: Tony sent input letter and additional email regarding connection to pathways
    • Hunter Street update
      • Giacomo and Antje met with DNV community planner who explained development and surrounding plans including potential new bridges across Lynn Creek.
      • Antje to draft feedback on Seylynn Park design and provide bike parking design guidelines to planner and circulate.
    • Snow removal: Tony and Disability Advisory Committee Chair met with Streets Manager about snow removal policy for sidewalks, paths and bike lanes. Tony to draft follow-up letter.
  • West Vancouver
    • Results of 31 Jan meeting with DWV Engineering staff - What stood out for me at the meeting were the following:
      • John Calimente's presentation to us based on his proposed new West Vancouver Cycling Network map;
      • John Calimente said that, except for the proposed minor changes to the Cycling Network, all of the routes have been signed and now, in phase 4 of the Implementation Plan (2012), they will be focusing on cycling infrastructure and traffic calming on the Network;
      • Plans, as a trial, for separated bike lanes on Marine Drive between 26th and 30th Streets;
      • Plans to improve the connection between Cranley Drive and the Sea View Walk;
      • Plans to consult soon with MoTI to fix that section on the north side of Hwy1 between the bridge over the Capilano River and 3rd Street;
      • John Calimente's Lions Gate Bridge area bike signage plan and his request for feedback on it (I'll ask for a pdf version to circulate);
      • Vanessa seemed interested in some kind of established transportation committee but thought 6 people on it would be too many; and
      • Vanessa saying that she preferred that we communicate our ideas and concerns to her and her staff rather than the mayor and council.
    • Status of the plans to extend the Spirit Trail down into Horseshoe Bay Village (consider new development in Horseshoe Bay)
    • Traffic calming project around Eagle Harbour School
    • HUB delegation topics
    • Pedestrian Network Survey