Meeting Summary: May 14, 2015

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Revision as of 23:05, 19 May 2015 by imported>Peter Scholefield
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  1. Attendance: Colin, Peter, Tony, Mark, Dennis, Dianne, Nelson, Don, Rob, Erika, Giacomo, Martyn, Fiona, Nick, Mike O'Connor
  2. Special guest, Colin Stein, HUB Director of Marketing, Communications & Campaigns
    • He briefly explained his duties, including providing guidance and support to regional committees such as ours.
    • He talked about HUB's involvement in support of a yes vote in the transportation plebiscite and said that advocacy efforts have tapered off as we approach the end of the voting period on the 29th of this month.
    • Despite the upcoming outcome of the referendum, he was excited about all of the cycling activities that are going on at this time of the year, including Bike to Work Week.
    • he was very impressed with the turnout at our meeting and the results of our efforts
  3. Velopalooza Cycling Festival 12-28 June
    • Mark explained how organization operates and referred to the website ( cyclists are encouraged to suggest rides and routes that could take place during the 12-28 June period of the festival.
    • There are currently 73 events planned and he encouraged us to go on line and add more fun events.
    • He mentioned as an example the Both Bridges Brewery Tour at 2:30 p.m. on 27 June.
  4. Results of group bike ride in Lynn Valley on 22 April
    • Erika and Don, who were on the ride, led of the discussion saying that there were 7 cyclists on the ride including DNV Councillor Matthew Bond and a transportation engineer from the District.
    • Erika displayed, on the flat screen monitor, a map of the route followed and she and don discussed various aspects of the ride.
    • Nelson said cycling routes in Lynn Valley would be on the 28 May agenda of the Distict's Transportation Consultation Committee where there are three HUB-NS members, Nelson, Martyn and Antje.
    • It was agreed that this would be a good opportunity to get our views heard by the District and we can hear and consider the results of the discussion at our 11 June meeting.
  5. Chesterfield bike route update
    • At the request of Natasha Elliot, Traffic Engineer, Engineering, Parks & Environment, Heather Drugge prepared and sent a HUB letter, dated May 7, 2014 to Jessica Ling, Policy Analyst, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Transportation Planning and Policy requesting funding support for improved cycling facilities on Chesterfield Avenue.
    • The letter stated: "A protected north south route needs to be developed to tie the Spirit Trail together with the Green Necklace and allow cyclists to travel up and down the mountain with the confidence they will not be hit."
  6. Report of 4 May meeting of HUB committee chairs
    • Peter rode his bike from West Van to the New Westminiter city library to attend the meeting chaired by Erin OMelinn, executive director of HUB.
    • A good portion of the meeting was hearing about a success and challenge from each committee and our contribution was the Iron Worker's Memorial Bridge success and the Wardance Bridge challenge.
    • There was a hands-on exercise on planning and one on marketing.
    • One interesting idea was to use plastic cupboard shelf cover to laminate bike route maps that can be used at display events.
  7. Election of new HUB North Shore Committee chair and an events coordinator
    • Tony Valente was nominated and accepted to be the chair.
    • Colin suggested the idea of a co-chair but no nomination was forthcoming.
    • There was also no interest in an events coordinator, rather it was agreed that a calendar of events be prepared and individuals volunteer to coordinate individual events.
    • Colin, Peter and Tony agreed that it would be a good idea for the three, along with Antje to hold a transition meeting before the next monthly meeting.
  8. Bike to Work Week (BTWW), 25-31 May
    • The following events are scheduled for the North Shore:
      • Capilano University (library bus loop), 8:00 - 10:00 am Monday, May 25, hosted by Capilano University.
      • Lions Gate Bridge, 4:00 - 6:00 pm Monday, May 25, hosted by YPG Realty.
      • Lions Gate Hospital (13th and St Andrews), 6:30 - 9:00 am Wednesday, May 27, sponsored by Vancouver Coastal Health.
      • Chesterfield and Esplanade, 6:30 - 9:00 am Wednesday, May 27, hosted by VPG Realty
      • Lion's Gate Bridge, 4:00 - 6:00 pm Wednesday, May 27, 2015, sponsored by the District of West Vancouver, Two Wheel Gear, and Giant.
      • 14th Street and Argyle Avenue in West Vancouver, 4:00 - 6:00 pm Thursday, May 28 sponsored by the District of West Vancouver
  9. Bike Day in Canada, 25 May (Fiona 10 min)
  10. West Vancouver community day, 6 June (Dianne 10 min)
  11. Blueridge Community Day 7 June (Dianne 5 min).
  12. MEC Bikefest 6-7 June (Peter 5 min)
  1. Election of new HUB North Shore Committee chair and an events coordinator
  2. Bike to Work Week (BTWW), 25-31 May (Peter 10 min)
  3. Bike Day in Canada, 25 May (Fiona 10 min)
  4. West Vancouver community day, 6 June (Dianne 10 min)
  5. Blueridge Community Day 7 June (Dianne 5 min).
  6. MEC Bikefest 6-7 June (Peter 5 min)