Meeting Summary: April 4, 2013

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Attendance & Agenda

  • Attendance: Antje, Heather, Peter, Dianne, Mary Ellen, Fiona, Yok Leng, Kathy
  • Introductions

Education & Outreach

  • HUB delegation at West Van council meeting May 6 (Heather/Peter)
    • Dry run, collected feedback
    • Also 3-min presentation to WV Chamber of Commerce on 16 April 1700 at Park Royal Community Room
  • Event Coordinator - Mary Ellen
    • we have list of events, let's do 4: Lynn Valley Days, Canada Day at Waterfront Park, West Van Community Day, Deep Cove Daze
    • support BTWW station at Lions Gate Bridge
    • Evolution Bikes and Different Bikes, bus rack demo, Cobs Bread, left over goodies from BTWW
  • City Cycling book for councils (Antje/Peter/Heather)
    • 4 delivered to West Van, 3 to City NV and 3 to District NV
  • Provincial election in May
    • Questions for provincial election candidates on the North Shore
    • HUB is preparing questions for Metro Vancouver
    • Fiona has applied for greenest city grant for a 1230-1400 2 May event - 4 to 5 panelist for a webcast ($500-600), SFU to help facilitate


  • Bike network plan for Lower Capilano Marine Village Centre
    • have a bike network plan and we should comment on it
    • Dianne, Fiona and Antje attended open house in March
    • bike network map wasn't presented at open house, but it should be available online
    • design of some routes was not clear
    • connection from Lions Gate Bridge going northeast is not addressed
    • Antje to send out email/link to list to ask for feedback on proposed bike routes
  • Park Royal cycling infrastructure update (Peter)
    • problem getting bikes approaching new intersection heading north and wanting to go west on Marine Drive
    • final painting of lines and landscaping to be done by the end of April
    • no decision yet on a multi-purpose crossing over the Capilano River - window of opportunity is July-August
    • still planning green-painted lanes including past new development at White Spot location

Other Business

  • Fiona brought HUB North Shore Committee business cards

Postponed to next meeting:

  • Feedback to HUB Regional Advisory Committee Action Plan
  • Bike to School on the North Shore (Helen)
    • Follow up from last meeting: contact schools & PACs, other ideas?
  • North Shore bike map distribution
    • Last year we did NS bike shops and at events
  • 40km/h speed limit proposal for residential streets from City of Victoria
    • Proposal to go to this year's UBCM
  • Cycling during construction of new Low Level Road (Heather)
  • 13th St at Lonsdale (approved Onni development)
  • Keith-Lynn school rezoning for North Shore Studios (Antje)
  • Government Road on Bowen Island (from Richard)
    • Anybody wants to take this on?