Meeting summary: April 5, 2012.

From committees
Revision as of 02:45, 6 April 2012 by imported>Jay MacDonald
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  • Welcome new members and guests


  • Additional agenda items

Education & Outreach

  • Reserving meeting room for monthly meetings in 2013: Peter to take this
  • North Shore bike map final draft: looks great!
  • Next MP Cycling Committee meeting to be held on Saturday, April 14th: Peter, Heather, Fiona
  • Presentation to Rotary Club North Vancouver on 11 May: Jay or Peter
  • Bike to Work Week is May 28 - June 1: Evening station on Thursday May 31st at Lonsdale Quay roundabout 4-6pm. Obsession bikes? Cobbs breads (Dianne)? Other Quay vendors - Bean Around the World, Kin's Farm Market (Fiona)? Need to find out permitting requirements. Sandwich board at exit to Sea Bus?

Hot Spots & Issues

  • New signage on the IWMB favours the wrong direction!

Other Business