Meeting Summary: September 2, 2010

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Attendance: Peter (chairing), John, Antje, Richard, Dianne, Fiona


  1. Lions Gate Bridge (LGB) bike route plans (Peter)
    • Peter sent a list of concerns to MoT project manager and received replies, forwarded them to Yahoo email list
    • Issue 1: shared bike/transit lanes on Marine Dr westbound from Capilano Road, eliminating existing bike lane; we want to retain bike lane
    • Issue 2: multi-use path going west from Capilano Bridge to Taylor Way narrows too much; we want a wheelchair accessible ramp down to 6th St
    • Issue 3: shared bike/car/transit lane eastbound on Marine Capilan Road, worse than current wide paved shoulder; we want bike lane
    • Issue 4: southbound access to Lions Gate bridge, looks like there is a gap between Capilano Bridge and Lions Gate Bridge; we need a designated multi-use path
    • Issue 5: ramp connection to Lions Gate (west access) is one way; we need two-way designation
    • Issue 6: remove sign at east bound exit path that indicates two-way cycle traffic is possible; we want sign allowing only one-way cycling
    • Issue 7: cycling on cloverleaf and cross West Van car lanes to get to south bound path; we decided to drop this issue
    • Issue 8: water pooling on multi-use path under Lions Gate Bridge (east, on Squamish land); we want this fixed
    • Issue 9: we want more signage for way-finding
    • The meeting was pleased with plans to improve lighting on the multi-use pathway for southbound access to the LGB, improvement to the northboud exit and investigating drainage issues at the southern end.
    • Action: Peter to set up meeting with MoT on site, invite DWV and DNV transportation planners (Brent Dozzi, Jeremy Rennie)
    • Action: Peter to to find out more about the proposed shared bike/transit lanes on Marine Dr: will they be only transit, no cars at any time? The lanes are labelled shared bike/car lane on MoT map.
  2. North Vancouver JBAC meeting recap (Antje)
    • Antje and Fiona attended Sep 1 JBAC meeting and summarized planned and current cycling improvements in CNV and DNV
      • Marine Drive between Bewicke and Mackay will have bike lanes
      • 3rd Street Hill bike lanes between Kennard and Queensbury
      • Mackay/Hamilton bike lanes, shared lane and elephant feet crosswalk, new signal at Mackay/1st Street
      • 1st Street bike lanes with painted buffer to car lanes, between Mackay and Garden
      • Widening of bike lanes on Mt Seymour Parkway (completed)
      • Extension of bike lanes on Mt Seymour Road to Indian River Road
      • Capilano Road bike lanes will be painted bright green where cars cross bike lane
      • Marine Drive shared lanes, parking removed (completed); will add more signage
      • Chesterfield uphill bike lane between Esplanade and 4th Street
      • Green sharrow lane on 13th Street westbound between Lonsdale and Chesterfield
  3. North Vancouver Bike Masterplan review
    • JBAC will have a workshop on Dec 1 for the review
    • VACC should do our own review of the current plan and submit comments to JBAC
    • Action: Antje to set up meeting for a VACC group to review current masterplan
  4. VACC representation on JBAC
    • It was discussed at the Sep 1 JBAC meeting to formalize VACC communication/representation on JBAC, but no decision was taken and the matter will likely make it to the next JBAC meeting in November
    • non-voting seat on JBAC would be good so we can participate in meeting (not just observe) and receive reports from CNV and DNV
    • no designated person as the VACC committee would like to send person best informed/qualified for the issues on the JBAC agenda
    • Action: Jay to write letter to JBAC explaining our position
  5. Capilano University access (Antje)
    • DNV/Capilano University will build multi-use paved path up the east side of Lillooet Rd to Lillooet Place, from there path follows current gravel path up to the sportsplex
    • path will be asphalt, two-way with line in the middle
    • they are also planning to faciliate crossing of Lillooet Rd at the intersection with Old Lillooet Rd
    • DNV doesn't want to put in crosswalk across Lillooet Rd by Lillooet Place because of short distance to signals at Old Lillooet Rd
    • Action: Antje to draft comments/positive response on plan and get feedback from Yahoo email list; then send them to DNV, JBAC
  6. SeaBus facilities for bikes (Tamiko)
    • Tamiko sent email to Translink, no response yet
    • Action: Tamiko to follow up if no response soon
  7. Second Narrows bridge (John)
    • park issue of one-way vs. two-way travel for now, look at short-term issues first: path maintenance, signage, paint to better designate bike routes
    • signage at north end of IWMB for nearby local destinations and attractions e.g. Main Street, Seymour Parkway, Dollarton Highway, CapU, Deep Cove, Lynn Canyon, Park & Tilford shopping etc
    • signage at north end of IWMB to nearby designated bike routes such as Mtn Hwy + ?
    • signage along cycling routes
    • street pavement painting where required (routes along Highway 1)
    • crossing pavement painting such as elephant feet (Main St & ??) intersection to east of north end of IWMB)
    • crossing signal request buttons at suitable locations for cyclists (various in tandem with other local crossings)
    • sidewalk & shared pathway maintenance including foliage clearing & proper let-ins
    • other low budget items that arise
    • liaison with other parties
    • Action: John to develop plan for signage etc., send to Yahoo email list for review
    • Action: John to communicate with Vancouver and Burnaby VACC committees
  8. VACC letter to North Shore Mayors & Councils on funding from province, costs/benefits of cycling infrastructure (Antje)
    • Action: Antje to draft letter
  9. Wiki improvements/updates (John)
    • Action: John to find out North Shore contact details ("cycling hotline") and set up page on wiki
  10. Keith Road Greenway
    • Public Workshop on Saturday, September 11, 9:30am-noon
    • Action: Fiona to send out notice to Yahoo email list about meeting
    • Action: Fiona to attend meeting
  11. Next group ride: Sep 9 at 6pm, Peter will lead a ride at North Shore end of Lions Gate Bridge, meeting point: eastern end of the Spirit Trail in Park Royal South
    • Action: Peter to send out notice to Yahoo email list
  12. Next meeting: Thursday October 7 at 6pm

Summary of action items

  • Peter to set up meeting with MoT on site at Lions Gate Bridge, invite DWV and DNV transportation planners (Brent Dozzi, Jeremy Rennie)
  • Peter to to find out more about the proposed shared bike/transit lanes on Marine Dr: will they be only transit, no cars at any time? The lanes are labelled shared bike/car lane on MoT map.
  • Antje to set up meeting for a VACC group to review current North Vancouver Bike Masterplan
  • Jay to write letter to JBAC explaining our position regarding VACC representation on JBAC
  • Antje to draft comments/positive response on Capilano U access plan and get feedback from Yahoo email list; then send them to DNV, JBAC
  • Tamiko to follow up on SeaBus facilities for bikes if no response from Translink soon
  • John to develop plan for signage and other improvements at North Van end of Second Narrows bridge, send to Yahoo email list for review
  • John to communicate with Vancouver and Burnaby VACC committees regarding Second Narrows bridge
  • Antje to draft letter to North Shore Mayors & Councils on funding for cycling infrastructure
  • John to find out North Shore contact details ("cycling hotline") and set up page on wiki
  • Fiona to send out notice to Yahoo email list about Keith Road Greenway meeting
  • Fiona to attend Keith Road Greenway meeting
  • Peter to send out notice to Yahoo email list about September Group Ride