Meeting Summary: June 3, 2010

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Revision as of 17:33, 4 June 2010 by imported>Jay MacDonald
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  • In attendance: Diane, Peter, John, Bill, Heather, Ken, Antje, Dave, Jay, Bart
  • Jay offered to be chair, Peter vice chair - Accepted by group
  • Heather offered to be press contact - Accepted by group
  • Discussed and demonstrated Wiki
    • OpenStreetMap as an option to Google maps?
  • Discussed low hanging fruit and selected point members to address

Action Items

  • Capilano Road improvements: Jay to find link to plan and add to Wiki
  • Welch Bridge improvements: Bart to fill out issues on Wiki and find out status to review with WVD
  • Find out next JBAC meeting and arrange for "presence" from NS-VACC: Jay
    • Next meeting is on July 7th, 2010 at 6:30
  • 14th & Dutchess, Entrance to Spirit Trail from Bridge & 13th: Heather
  • Taylor Way, Cap Bridge, Lions Gate: Peter
  • Spirit Trail Etiquette: Peter
  • Access to Cap University: Antje
  • LynnValley Overpass: Dave
  • Connection between Spirit Trail and Upper Levels: Peter