January 2022
In attendance
Colin, Vince, Dragana, Andrew, Leon, Vince
Agenda items
Fremont Connector update
We wrote a letter for Fremont Connector urging PoCo to get the upcoming Fremont Connector right "end to end".
Andrew will forward it to Approvals.
Let's get Force of Nature involved in our advocacy for the Fremont Connector, and more generally.
Committee resolved on the following ask list for Fremont Connector.
- Great lighting end to end
- Specific maintenance budget (snow, sweeping, deadfall)
- Intersection treatments that see people all the way thr9ou
Choosing new Top X gaps
Committee wants to add the following new gaps in order to get Top Ten.
- Thermal/ Moray
- PoMo Clarke to Garrow
- Mariner to Cape Horn
Andrew will add these to the wiki. Dragana will add them to the map.
2022 committee priorities list
Andrew will update the committee priorities list.
Point people for each muni Andrew : Port Moody Colin : PoCo Colin: Coquitlam
Gap point people : Delete the list. Andrew is the new dictator.
Improve committee focus and efficiency.
Improve integration of our committee with the community
Items 2 and 3. Delete. Replace with Mailchimp reference.
Item 4. Add "and other local media".
Item 5. Add Go By Bike and Bike To Shop. Delete FdB. Item 6. Get rid of Booth Subcommittee.
Item 7. Add "or email" "Let's consider reaching out to local allies to coordinate email campaigns and other advocacy activities"
Oakdale meeting
Oakdale Neighborhood Association (ONA) met with Dragana, Colin and Andrew. They seem interested in getting us to help with their concerns. They are also interested in improving neighbourhood cut-throughs (lighting, width etc). We like this.
Coquitlam parking review
Colin presented a plan for creating a large network of protected lanes (23 km) in SW Coquitlam by altering current parking regulations.
Andrew pointed out that Clarke Road in Port Moody is an example of this kind of route.
Andrew is interested in presenting something about Clarke Road to PoMo Transportation Committee this year. Andrew would also like to present something about parking minimums in general at the time that PoMo is updating TransPort Moody.
Strategic Transportation Plan: Let's push PoMo, Coquitlam and PoCo to reduce parking minimums in their upcoming revisions to their STPs (due this year or at least soon).
There is widespread support for this kind of thing in Port Moody council, across both more "conservative" and more "liberal" staff.
Any other business
Coquitlam staff are pleased with their Infrastructure Award for Como Creek bridge/ King Albert Greenway.
Coquitlam are looking into options for United. As usual there is only the faintest sliver of hope.