October 2021

From committees
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In attendance

Colleen, Vince, Dragana, Kathy Leko, Leon Lebron, Vince, Richard Stewart

Committee priorities

Andrew to fix agenda template to include 2021 Action Plan

Reminder of our Top Seven Map Gaps

Coquitlam construction procedures and bike route clusures

Bike lanes getting closed around Coquitlam for construction projects with what we see as insufficient alternative routing. People are being pushed onto busy routes. Committee will send an email to Coquitlam via Approvals.

Go By Bike Week recap

Andrew was interviewed for Tri-Cities Herald. Vince and Dragana went to stations and counted only around ten people (Guildford and Pinetree, Poirier and Foster). They are interested in whether these are the best or most appropriate locations for Celebration Stations in the Tri-Cities . It might be a good idea to move location over to MUPs. Weather was very poor though.

Tri-Cities Cycling Map Update discussion with Gavin Davidson

Gavin Donaldson and Tim Davidson presented in-progress updates to Tri-Cities Cycling map for Coquitlam, Port Moody and PoCo Increase scale of map to 1:30K from 1:50K and font size Issues getting Google Maps to incorporate their data

Will ask us for review and comment during process review (in a single coherent document). Map marks designated and unofficial cycling routes based on comfort for all/ most/ few

Paved/ unpaved Lit/unlit layers may be included in paper or electronic versions (electronic versions easier)

Tim and Gavin met with city representatives in mid September and are interested in getting feedback from our committee soon.

Metro cycling map

Vince interested in the relationship of this map to the recently completed Metro cycling map. In answer: It will be similar to Metro map in terms of comfort ratings etc. Aim is primarily to improve detail and scale of map for local usability. Presentation elements may be different. Vince interested in whether orphaned segments should be shown at all on the map. E.g. a short recreational path near United. Gavin is sympathetic to this kind of concern.

Digital map

Would be created as a PDF. Dragana would be interested in access to their GIS data to create a zoomable interactive map (tends to be far more usable than a huge PDF). Gavin is interested. Tim will get in touch with her. It's Translink's data but they have been flexible about providing access to it where needed.

Vince will be in touch within the next week or so with consolidated comments.

Burquitlam redevelopment

Dragana heard that there is a bike route that's supposed to go through the Burquitlam redevelopment. No specific information about the bike route yet. Colin will reach out to Morguard.

Sasamat Greenway integration with Great Blue Heron Way

Great Blue Heron Way is a proposed route to connect First Nations communities in the Lower Mainland. Colleen is interested in connecting Tsleil-waututh community (towards Deep Cove in North Van) to Port Moody via the proposed Sasamat Greenway, and then south to Kwikwitlem via səmiq̓wəʔelə, literally "place of the great blue heron". This idea is to be driven by First Nations and not us.

Colleen will present this idea at an upcoming Metro meeting.

MOTI Regional Gaps Cycling Assessment study

MOTI tallied some of their worst gaps and is seeking feedback by Friday the 8th. Our committee is interested in exactly what they are planning on doing about any of this (but agree with the general assessment)

Guildford Greenway

Committee is interested in getting Port Moody to fill in their section of this route. Mayor Stewart doesn't have direct information that Port Moody is planning to help with this. Andrew to see about making a presentation to Port Moody Transportation Committee Leon says that Guildford Way is also part of the Trans-Canada Trail and needs adequate routing information in both directions.

Murray Street PBL

Let's write a letter asking Port Moody to ensure pedestrians and cyclists are safely separated. Port

Pinetree Way PBL

Let's write a letter asking Coquitlam to ensure pedestrians and cyclists are safely separated.


Colin got HUB Mailchimp set up. It's great. We will start packaging meeting agendas with a newsletter that outlines monthly committee activities.

Coquitlam bike upgrades for Austin parallel route

There is a new bike route planned for Sidney and another sidewalk along Austin by the golf course from around Guilby to Walker. This parallel route to Austin is a big win for transportation. Committee to co-ordinate letters to Council in support of this proposal. Mayor Stewart says that a letter that's pleasant and positive has more influence.

Why was United pushed back? Trans Mountain Pipeline didn't help. City is still unsure about a MUP with so many semi truck crossings.

Any other business?