November 2019

From committees
Revision as of 05:06, 6 November 2019 by Watgringo (talk | contribs)
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In attendance

Leon, Nikki, Fiona, Kathryn, Scott, Dragana, Simon, Jack, Andrew, Vince

City Center Area Plan

Leon to attend Coquitlam Center Area Plan “Pop up event” Andrew to attend “Info session”

Letter to Canisius Chan

Andrew and Jack presented a letter workshopped this month with RAC to the committee. Regarding United Blvd. Jeff Leigh thinks that if Coquitlam take initiative on this gap there may be MOTI funding available. Andrew and Jack to send letter to Canisius and fwd to Jeff Leigh

Bike the night update

Kathryn talked to Tracy Wilkins at HUB. Planning is extraordinary in terms of time and resources. Grants are needed and available. We have access to some of their previous proposals, budgets, etc. She offered to talk to the board about diverting some funding etc. Simon suggested a scaled-down version that just runs a lap around Lafarge Lake. Scott suggested using the new trails down to Riverview. Nikki suggested a loop purely in Coquitlam but incorporating Guildford and Lafarge Lake. Committee discussed pros and cons of running event earlier in the year (less rain, but less darkness too). Andrew and Jack will discuss with Canisius Chan. A HUB board meeting is coming up on November the 13th and Tracy W. is willing to relay our interest there.

Port Moody update

Andrew talked to Mark Halpin and Kevin Henderson about Ioco and Lougheed. They are fixing it up and want to make it ok for cyclists.

Andrew and Scott to ride with Mark Halpin, Kim Law and Port Moody staff in Vancouver on November 18th. (Andrew to get a day off)

Committee newsletter

We’re going to create an email newsletter. Dragana created a nice map of Bike to Work Week comments that we'll share in Issue #1,

Prairie Avenue

Committe sees the proposed Prairie MUP as a significant step backwards. It would be better to do nothing than execute the plan. Safety hazards, etc abound. Committee members requested to contact Jack with their feedback. Action item: Jack to write a letter to PoCo

BTWW recap

Dragana represented the committee at Foster and Poirier. Scott ran a BTWW station in Burnaby with the Burnaby LC. Attendance was relatively low in both places as is typical for fall BTWW.