Picard email

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Hello Tri-Cities,

One initiative that I'm in the process of organizing (with quite a tight turn-around!) is called the *20 in 20 Infrastructure Challenge*, asking municipal staff to complete 20 "Quick Fixes" (ex. paving a pothole on a bike route, re-painting a faded bike lane, etc.) in 20 chosen days between July and September 2018.

I'll be asking Local Committees to draft their 'Quick Fix Wish List' in the month of May. In June, I would send each List to the corresponding City Staff so they can make any revisions before confirming a finalized List. Quick Fixes would take place from July-September and I would be sure to relay updates to Local Committees as the progress takes place.

The overall goal of the initiative is to highlight the importance of quick, low-budget infrastructural fixes as part of a larger, multi-pronged effort to #UnGapTheMap.

Seeing as Tri-Cities is scheduled to meet next week, would it be possible to add this item on your Agenda?

I'm also in the process of formally pitching the idea to City Staff. Is there one particular municipality that would be most interested (ex. contacting Anne P from PoCo)?

Your Committee would have the option of drafting a Quick Fix List for one, two, or all three of the Tri-Cities.

I've attached a Draft One-Pager that outlines the details of the *20 in 20 Infrastructure Challenge*.

Hope to have you on board for this exciting intiaitive!

  • Andrew Picard*

Project Manager- #UnGapTheMap HUB Cycling

  • Website* bikehub.ca | *Phone* 604.558.2002

File:2018- 20 in 20 Infrastructure Challenge One-Pager for City Staff (DRAFT).pdf