September 2015

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TriCities HUB Committee Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: Sept 1, 2015, 7:00-8:50PM.

Location: Coquitlam Public Library, 1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam


Jack Trumley (chair)

Andrew Hartline

Peter Jongbloed (part time)

Eric Cheng

George Snow

Claude Theriault

Chad Hooper

David Dowdell


1. Updates regarding Port Mann Bridge and related issues

-Signage requests: Signage is currently being installed on the Port Mann Routes. Unless one is familiar with the area it is not obvious how to get to/from the bridge.

-Metro Van water line updates: A new water main is being installed in a tunnel that goes under the Fraser River near the Port Mann at Macquabeak Park.

-MUP from Maryhill/United to Macquabeak: From the corner of the Marry hill bypass with United, a gravel trail connects Macquabeak Park to a trail along the Mary Hill Bypass across a 2m wide bridge over the Pitt River. The Sheep Paddock trail is being built and will soon connect with the Macquabeak Park and the PoCo Trail.

Hub remains committed to the trail connecting the Port Mann to Braid Station and the Central Valley Greenway along the north side of the big box retailers along United Blvd. This is politically difficult, but the best long-term option.

2. Bike-to-work stations coming up.

The following stations are planned:

• -Ioco and Murray on Mon Oct 26th afternoon in Port Moody.

• -Landsdowne and Guilford on Wed Oct 28th 6:30am-9am in Coquitlam

Local committee support is requested.

3. Event requests

Hub Tricities has been requested to attend the following events:

• -Rivers and Trails Festival, Sept 27, Port Coquitlam

Request: Info table. Confirmed. (Volunteeers: Simon,Dave D, +?)

• -Burrard Inlet Fish Festival, Sept 26th, from noon to 6pm, at Rock Point Park. Request: Info table/tent, workshop on benefits of cycling

• -Coquitlam Crunch Challenge, Sept 12. (Jack has details)

4. Tent purchase: It was suggested that it would be a good idea to purchase a tent which could be used at events such as those listed in Item 3.

5. Brunette-Lougheed intersection. How are the new markings working? Just fine.

6. AOB

Andrew reported that on Saturday Sept 12 from 11:00 AM TO 3:00 PM, The City of Port Moody will be having a transportation safety fair. Andrew would like volunteers to help run a HUB information table. Volunteers should contact Andrew.

Eric asked if there is a system to report cycling related issues to HUB and to local municipalities. It was suggested that an online form would help to make it easy. This was thought to be a good idea. Jack to take up the suggestion with Simon.

Dates of next two meetings:

• October 6

• November 3

Minutes recorded by Dave Dowdell