2024-01-04 Summary

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Meeting commenced 6:34 p.m.

Attending: Don (Chair), Paul J (vice chair), Cathy A, Derrick, Susan Lucas and Zach (1st meeting), Peter S, via Google meets: Ed Wu, Finn, Kira, Heather, Peter Richards (1st meeting)


  • Agenda additions: None

Public Input/Consultations:

  • None noted.

Goals & Objectives

  • Our three primary goals + outlining gaps needs an update.

Action item - Don


Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

  • Two possible routes - 3rd Street or Keith Road and back to Marine terminating at Park Royal.
  • HUB Central is looking at opportunities to include infrastructure for cycling. A "bike hi way"?


  • Need a coordinator/organizer for events
  • dates for Spring GBBW???

City of North Vancouver:

  • Finn met with Sophia for background on the liaison position.
  • St. Andrew's project - Update at Council meeting Jan 22 2024
  • Budget soon. Is there a draft budget?
    • Action item. Finn to inquire.

Integrated Transit Committee - Dana & Jonathan

  • Fiona has applied for 2 year term. No one at the meeting was clear on the status of the Committee.
    • Action item - Don to followup with Jonathan.

First Nations - Kira

  • Previous month we noted the three North Shore nations' Active Transportation plans
    • Someone at HUB Central is cataloguing all First Nations' documents.
      • Action item - Cathy A to put Kira in touch with that person.

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart/Don

  • Regular Meetings scheduled every 2 months
  • Most Recent was 08-Dec-2023
  • As with CNV, budgets are being prepared. We need to have an update on various projects such that we can provide input before planners sign off.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure - Mike/Don

  • No update this month.

Communications & Outreach - Rueben/Paul/Heather

  • North Shore News
    • Letter: Faith in humanity restored after stolen bike returned
    • Move On: Why are intersection sightlines getting worse?
    • Heather's next article will outline what to expect in 2024.

Schools - Paul Janzen

  • No activity till March

Meeting adjourned 7:52 p.m.