December 2022

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Leon, Colin, Dragana, Andrew, Colleen

Sumiqwuelu Updates

Vince, Leon, Colleen, and Andrew met with representatives from the Kwikwetlem First Nation (KFN) and BC Housing on November 21 regarding the report on suggestions for signage improvements on the site. HUB was encouraged by the positive tone of the meeting as well as the progress to date. Colleen noted BC Housing and KFN intend to address the signage and safety suggestions, and planning is currently underway to do so, although much of the site is to be redeveloped and may be subject to change. Andrew noted the KFN/BC Housing team appreciated the use of existing signposts to reduce archaeological concerns as well as the low-cost nature of the upgrades. Leon noted the access to the Lougheed Highway/Pitt River Road intersection off Sorrel may be challenging – theft has been an issue in the area and the gate serves as a deterrent and is unlikely to be modified. This area also serves as a works yard with heavy truck traffic that is inconducive to road safety. In addition, the chain across the pathway at Palm Terrance will be removed in place of a bollard. BC Housing/KFN intend to install lighting on the south end of the site near Colony Farm Road / Cape Horn Avenue to aid with nighttime conditions. KFN/BC Housing may be seeking grants for the signage. Colleen will get David in touch with TransLink reps for this. However, grants may not be a barrier for the signage proceeding. The group agrees that the KFN and BC Housing are genuinely interested in solving the issues faced.

Action items:

1. Colleen to build a connection between David from Sumiqwuelu and TransLink

2. Colin to reach out to his connection at TransLink to discuss

Colony Farm Trail Upgrades

Colin heard back from Thomas Thivener regarding the Colony Farm Trail Upgrades which may provide a high-quality trail to the Port Mann Bridge. No additional information was provided.

Action item:

1. Colin will continue to monitor this.

Microphone Purchase

The committee agreed to shelve this item as it is to be determined if we will continue with hybrid meetings.

Infrastructure of the Year Award

Few infrastructure projects were completed this year. The Prairie Avenue MUP between Burns Road and Coast Meridian Road was the only major project completed. The committee agrees to nominate this for the award.

Oakdale Letter

At Dragana's lead, the committee has written a letter regarding the need for better planning and more certainty for the Oakdale neighbourhood in the wake of significant and fast-paced development. The committee approved this letter to be sent to approvals.

Action items:

1. The committee will send this to Approvals

2. Colin will add a section regarding the dangers of roundabouts


The committee will hold an election on January 6. All positions will be elected.