2022-03-03 Summary

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HUB North Shore Committee regular meeting was held online using Zoom, Thursday March 3 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm.

Attendees: Paul S, Don, Fiona, Antje, Jasper, Paul J, Rhiannon, Duncan


Goals & Objectives

  • 2021 Goals Setting
  • 2022
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
      • DNV has resources in place to build the M2M bikeway between boundary w/West Van and 15th Ave in 2022 and 2023.
    • Recruit more committee members
      • Survey form (Google Form) to groups.io & members - Nadia & Don
        • though a good idea, draft survey to be created for review


  • Meeting noted HUB 2021 infrastructure awards to Squamish Nation/DWV/Park Royal for the Welch St Bridge MUP Improvement, and to Coquitlam (King Albert Greenway) and City of Vancouver (Richards St Bikeway) as well as Arno Schortinghuis lifetime award to BC Minister of State for Infrastructure, Bowen Ma, MLA North Vancouver-Lonsdale.

City of North Vancouver - Nadia

At next CNV staff meeting, plan to follow up on:

  • Upper Levels Greenway
  • Carson Graham School Area Active Transportation Improvements
  • Forbes & 3rd
  • Bike storage designs
  • Community Wellbeing Strategy

District of North Vancouver - Fred/Don

  • Meeting with staff: Feb-24
    • Mtn Hwy - Arborlynn connector: West 2022, East 2022 or 2023.
      • Group discussion of Arborlynn improvement and junction with Mtn Hwy
      • Don to share updated plans when DNV provides them
  • Other:
    • Spirit Trail at Orwell issues – sight lines at Keith Rd; temporary deviation at Phibbs/Oxford St; ‘missing’ cross-ride markings.
    • Jasper to provide photos to group

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

  • Meeting with DWV Parks and Engineering discussed route options for M2M gap closures in Ambleside. Engineering to discuss Spirit Trail CN bridge bypass route north of CN rail tracks through Park Royal and playing fields area with Park Royal. Possible completion of separated bike path through Waterfront Park to follow Ambleside Local Area Plan deliberations.
  • Improved bike facilities in Horsehoe Bay pending delayed traffic study. No provision in current waterfront park upgrading.
  • Bike Parking in DWV Parks Parks & Engineering Depts to collaborate on provision of bike parking facilities in parks in 2022, commencing with Ambleside. HUB to provide suggested location advice.
  • 31st/Westmount funding available in 2022 for provision of bike lanes in uphill direction of 31st/Westmount reinstatement following storm sewer installation. Although a designated OCP bike route this is not a top priority improvement for HUB. The design is constrained by existing conditions, provides inconsistent lane widths and buffering, and is generally substandard wrt the BCATDG. Widening likely to face opposition from residents who complain of traffic speeding along this steep route (including cyclists). Meeting noted the history of this route and limited budget flexibility, and concluded that efforts be focussed on safe uphill facilities and accept lane sharing if necessary as a temporary solution on flatter sections.

MOTI - Don/Jonathan

  • Phibbs exchange upgrade
    • Discussion focussed on Phibbs Exchange Reconstruction and detour arrangements. Spring 2023 completion target. Several Main St bikeway detours planned for north and south sides. Main St crossing from Orwell to be relocated west of current location. Awkward beg-button location and occasional flooding problem noted at eastern end crossing; Don to follow up.