2020-03-12 Agenda

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HUB North Shore Committee holds regular meetings at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the second Thursday of every month. Everybody is welcome. The meetings are at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor). The December meeting will only be from 6:30-7:30

  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Goals & Objectives

  • 2020 Goals Overview - presentation
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
      • Analysis of current state all segments of the 3 Bikeways and next steps for each
    • Establish communications with community stakeholders re Bikeways.
      • Set-up meeting with West Van Chamber of Commerce & Ambleside Dundarave BIA - Don
      • Prepare message to share with NS Cycle clubs/organization - Heather/Don


  • Schedule Meetings with North Shore MLAs - Don
    • Funding for our Priority routes
    • Updating the MVA to a Safe Roads Act.
    • Ride with Bowwin Ma on Feb 29th - Antje/Erika
      • Requested help getting MoTI to involve us in their "Highway 1 Corridor Study"
      • Requested support for Bikeway E of Hwy1 between Mt Seymour Parkway and Dollarton.
  • HUB & Translink have release their "State of Cycling report"
    • How can we use this?
  • North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (ACDI) - Don
    • have requested we attend a meeting to connect

Events - Fred

  • Earth Day - Sunday April 26
  • Spring Bike2Work Week - May 25-31
    • date for station at 2nd Narrows. - Tue 26th??
    • Grand Blvd & 19th with Escape - Thurs???
    • E-bikes for council project - Mon the 25th
      • objective would be to provide loaner ebikes to all councillors for bike-to-work-week
      • need an organizer
      • need to get bike shops to provide fully equipped bikes
      • need to figure out insurance with HQ
      • discuss with some friendly councillors
      • turn it into a media event
  • Blueridge Good Neighbour Day – Sun 14-June

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather

  • HUB email to staff about Cotton road bike lanes

Bike lanes at the crossing at Cotton and Gladstone and prior to that against Park and Tilford are very tight. HUB wrote to CNV staff December 9th to ask about them. We will discuss in the upcoming meeting

  • HUB Letter to CNV Council Re: Esplanade

Liaisons will draft a letter about Esplanade for City Council to ensure our views are on public record. Currently we have only spoken with staff about this area.

  • 3rd Street Hill

Heather measured new lanes on 3rd street hill. Lanes have been reduced on both sides from 2 m to 1.3 and 1.4 m Still need to fix hydro pole area on North side

  • Meeting with Staff will be February 27th
    • Mobility Network Update
      • Phase 1 Projects – Casano-Loutet Overpass, Jones (21st to Hwy), Off-Marine Route
      • Phase 2 Projects – Esplanade, Midtown Connector, Upper Levels Greenway (Lynn Valley Rd to Lonsdale)
      • Phase 3 projects – Chesterfield (Seabus to 13th), St Davids Greenway, Upper Levels Greenway (Lonsdale to Westview)
    • 2.Ongoing Construction Update
      • Marine-Main RapidBus – Cotton Road - 3rd Street Hill
      • Mackay MUP
      • Site 8
      • Moodyville
      • Mosquito Creek Bridge Reconstruction
    • 3.2020 Paving opportunities
    • 4.Joint CNV-DNV Cycling Routes and Policy Update
    • 5.Micro-Mobility
      • 6.Policy Update
      • Mobility Strategy
      • Great Streets
    • 7.Revamping the City’s Cycling Webpage
  • Projects Update see Initiatives Tracker
  • Integrated Transportation Committee
    • How do we get HUB representative on this committee - appointments start 1-Feb-2020 for 2 years
    • Need to write a letter to council requesting that HUB member be included in the terms of reference for this committee.

District of North Vancouver - Jay/Ryan

  • Targeted OCP Review
    • awaiting workshop outcomes
  • Weekly Traffic Bulletin
    • Updated every Friday on DNV website and highlights not only construction closures / work zones but the purpose of the closures (i.e. new bike lanes, sidewalks etc) [1]
  • Meeting with DNV staff March 6
    • North end of Mtn Hwy overpass to connect with Arbourlynn:
      • Jay had sent a a proposal to provide bike access in this area a while ago.
      • They are considering 3 options:
      • 1) buy land from the adjacent houses on the east side - $$$
      • 2) shift the road west (what they should have done back when the project started) but there is a power line and major sewer connection in this area $$
      • 3) narrow the uphill lane to 1 lane, eliminate the weave lane and adjust the traffic lights - but they need MOTI’s permission, DNV will review traffic measurements to see volumes.
      • They are actively working on this as they see the need for a major 2-way bike connection to the North side of the Hwy off ramp, and Lynn Valley
      • We also talked about the Arbourlynn routes to LVTC but these does not seem to be top of their list (even though they are relatively easy)
      • They also have been looking at a Arbourlynn+Hoskins+Ross route and path on the bottom portion of 20th Street, but Arbourlynn+Viewlynn+27th is more direct.
      • Ingrid is working on the Casano connector route to LV TC. We previously expressed concerns over the steepness of this route.
    • Upper Lynn Valley Road bike lane
      • They have a couple options ready for public consultation in May, then hoping to take a final proposal to council workshop in Sep.
      • Parking studies show that only 1 side is needed, except up by Dempsey/End-of-the-line cafe. They will also show an all parking removed option that would permit bike lanes both ways but expect that the uphill only bike lane will be the preferred choice. We expressed concerns about the downhill sharrows/door-zone/passing and they seemed to accept it should have to be a well marked shared lane.
    • Protection options on Lower Lynn Valley Rd and 29th.
      • They agree that the current bollards are not sufficient. They are considering a few options.
      • The one product they showed us were a curb with flexible bollards: http://www.qwickkurb.com
      • These seem to be more substantial and would be a big improvement. Potentially “interested but concerned” folks would use them.
      • They are checking to see if they can squeeze the lane widths on Lower Lynn Valley Road to fit them in and price them. They are going to try to get quotes for delineation product for 29th this month and hope to install them this summer.
      • We talked about snow and the consensus was live with snow in the cycle lanes for a few weeks a year, so we can have protected bike lane for the other 50 weeks of the year. DNV has a small sweeper in the budget for this year (250K) and we asked they make sure it would fit in 1.5m bike lanes and if it had a snow blower attachment.
    • Priorities

Stressed that our 3 bikeways and bridgeheads should be top priorities in order to address the primary goals council has set (climate emergency and road congestion). We talked about Main Street between 2nd narrows and CNV. They have land, and in future it will be a bus lane, but don’t have $$ to move the power lines for the bus lane. They will look at what they can do to get a bike lane down this stretch. We suggested converting the 2 m sidewalk + grass on the north side to 2 m bike + 2 m pedestrian, and suggested they check what CNV has done on 100 block W Esplanade. They are also studying bike routes via 27th to Edgemont and into Deep Cove. These should be lower priority.

We proposed squeezing the traffic lanes on Mt Seymour parkway, especially at the west end to allow adding a buffer/protection to the existing bike lanes. I suggested that a lower concrete barrier might be cheaper and better than the quick curb, since there are no driveways, but they are not sure how much room they have if required shy distance to the hard barrier face could be maintained.

  • Walk through of Salop Trail and Mountain Hwy / Keith intersection to review outstanding issues and next steps
  • Issues tracker: [2]

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter

  • ParticipAction’s ‘Community Better Challenge’ - date? - Paul
    • how can we encourage more cycling via this?
  • On 22 January, Paul and Peter had a shortened meeting with John Calimente.
    • Construction of the Welch St Bridge/Spirit Trail improvement (by Park Royal)is expected to begin this month and be competed by 30 June.
    • Construction of the next leg of the Upper Level MUP west from Mathers Ave to Taylor Way is planned for this year.
    • Construction of the separated bike lane east on Marine Dive from the Lions Gate Bridge to Capilano Road is also planned for this year.
    • The first leg of the Capilano Pacific Trail improvement with switchbacks and fencing is complete from Keith Road south on DWV property. Hopefully, construction of the next leg on Metro Vancouver park land will start soon.
    • John showed us a plan for more wayfinding signage east of Taylor Way and north of Keith Road including the Capilano Pacific Trail. He wants our feedback.
    • He wants our opinion on a safer route to the Spirit Trail for Cycling Without Age trishaws coming from the Seniors Centre along Esquimalt Ave.
  • On 4 February, Fred, Paul and Peter met with Rick Amantea, VP of Park Poyal, to discuss cycling infrastructure associated with their Gateway Residences. They are interested in engaging HUB's consultation expertise for end-of-trip facilities.
  • Delegation presentation to Council on 10 February: We learned of MoTI is starting to consider plans to improve the Upper Levels highway and DWV plans to update the DWV Strategic Transportation Plan.
  • On 10 February, Peter participated in a DWV stakeholder's meeting on developing a District wayfinding plan. After the meeting, he talked with the presidents of the Chamber of Commerce and the Ambleside Dundarave Business improvement Association about plans for installing the District's funded bike racks.
  • On 27 February, Paul and Peter will present HUB's 2019 cycling infrastructure improvement award to the DWV for completion of the Hugo Ray Connector.

MOTI - Antje/Jay

  • Mountain Highway Interchange
    • Walk through planned with DNV staff to identify remaining issues - see DNV summary above
    • After DNV walk through raise remaining issues in MOTI jurisdiction with project manager Jay Porter
  • Main-Dollarton Interchange
    • Provided feedback to MOTI on latest design and asked for more information on rebuilding approaches to existing tunnel and on potential new tunnel design
    • Recommended bike path (bike highway) along east side of Hwy 1 between Main and Fern, to connect with new path system at Lillooet Interchange
  • Maintenance of bridges to Vancouver and Stanley Park Causeway
    • No response to our letter on this and other maintenance issues nor any changes to wayfinding
    • Causeway paths were swept in December by Miller Capilano on request (Antje) but northbound path badly overgrown with brambles, which is Vancouver Park Board responsibility.
  • Hwy 1 North Shore Corridor Study Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay
    • HUB-NS to review and update priority cycling improvements in MOTI jurisdiction
    • Antje received Ungap the Map files from Vancouver committee/HUB HQ
    • Next step: Antje to draft priority cycling improvements in January and send to email discussion list for feedback

Schools - Tammy/Martyn

  • Presented at the North Shore Safety Council meeting Dec-4 about HUB's School Education programs that are available.
  • Met on January 29 with Natalie Corbo at City of North Vancouver to understand how HUB ride programs were funded at schools in the City.

• Next steps are to set up meeting with Communications Manager at North Van School District and with Transportation Planner at DNV to see how we can get school buy-in and funding in the DNV.

Developers - Fred/Don

  • Need to develop objectives for our"Community Engagement" with Developers.
    • The primary focus is to get developers to provide better bicycle facilities.
    • Base this on HUB's [More than Just Bike Racks] document and improve on that.
    • Residential:
      • Bike parking that is Secure, convenient, accessible and safe,
      • Charging facilities for ebikes
      • preferably with a small work/cleaning space
    • Commercial:
      • Secure, easily accessible bike parking
      • shower/change facilities
    • Visitors/customers:
      • convenient, covered parking - preferably in a high visibility area
    • Connections to bikeways
  • Currently active:
    • Cap Mall redevelopment - Initial Public comments -
    • Park Royal ...- want to add 95 rental units, with no parking
    • Proposed West Vancouver council bicycles parking requirements bylaw stemming from CEEP and the Climate Emergency declaration.
    • TRC Maplewood Plaza mixed use development.
      • 75 long term residential/commercial bike parking/storage
      • 6 short term bike parking
      • Developer very receptive to concept of a secure bike room on EACH floor of building similar to adjacent Maplewood Plaza project already approved.

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/James/Martyn

  • Still need to summarize our meeting from last fall
  • Next step: build high-quality photo library of utility cycling on the North Shore that can be used for social media, communications and provided to the media (e.g. North Shore News)
  • LV Blogger -
  • Meeting with Lower Lonsdale BIA
    • <<add summary>>

BC Ferries - Peter S

  • HSB Terminal input now closed. Our key issues:
    • Access to Ticket Booths from both Highway and Spirit Trail
    • Holding areas for Cyclists
    • Protected Bikepath from terminal to Exit 0 (Spirit Trail) and also to Highway shoulder
  • InterIsland Ferry design consultation just starting - need link
  • Next Steps???

Translink - Fred/Antje

  • e-Bikes on Buses announcement by Translink Buzzer - as of 5 Feb 2020 now allowed!!! https://buzzer.translink.ca/
  • Bike parking at Exchanges:
    • Next Steps?