HUB Tri-Cities Gaps

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TriCities Cycling Gaps

Ministry Highways gaps

1.Cycling route parallel to Lougheed highway through near Riverview lands. Would connect Coquitlam Town Center and Port Coquitlam to new PMH1 bike facilities on Lougheed.

2.Barnet highway connections to Port Moody. There is still no acceptable route through downtown Port Moody connecting with Coquitlam bike lanes. Potential to work with Evergreen line.

3.Lougheed highway between Pitt River bridge and Coquitlam Town center. Need to provide continuous path somehow for cyclists.

4.Enable cycling connection along Maryhill bypass between Shaugnessy and UnitedBlvd. At present shoulder narrows dangerously over Coquitlam river in both directions. Propose MUP on using existing PMH1 construction road on south side of MHB.

5.Fix Lougheed-Brunette intersection properly

6.Fix remaining issues with Pitt River bridge

Other gaps

1.Central Valley Greenway extension: United Blvd still missing approx. 600m section to connect CVG to PMH1 facilities. Proposing temp route along United pending development of Fraser Mills

2.Kingsway MUP/bike lanes (stalled by lack of provincial funds)

3.Barnet road(Coquitlam) unofficial bike lane needs safety improvements to make it official

4.Crosstown bike route completion (Coquitlam)

5.Connection between Kingsway (PoCo)and Coquitlam(e.g. Chilko/Lougheed)

6.Bike lanes parallel to Clarke Road in Coquitlam. Coquitlam plans to build as development opportunities arise.

A few more notes:

• The first order of priority for "gap logging" is Ministry highways, and related crossings/junctions.

• All other gaps in jurisdiction - anything and everything related to infrastructure issues - should be added to this list as soon as you are able.

• The main purpose of this exercise is to help the Tri-Cities Committee elevate priorities, and get appropriate support from RAC and HUB staff.

• Please read the User Guide, as it reinforces the following point - we will make necessary changes to this tool to make it work for the committees.

Infrastructure Info:


Port Mann Bridge/Cape Horn

Central section [1]

King Edward section [2]

Cape Horn [3]

Mary Hill [4]