Meeting Summary: May 10, 2018

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529 - North Vancouver RCMP

  • Garry Slater of the bike section provided an overview:
  • They are planning to roll out 529 and will be training up their volunteers
  • Have a small grant for some stickers to kick-off the program.
  • May not be ready in time for B2WW, Don to send B2WW stations details in case.
  • Would like us to advertise via our email group, we also suggested sending via NSMBA
  • Will be emailing all registrants in old program asking them to re-register with 529

20 Quick Fixes competition

District of North Vancouver

District of West Vancouver

  • Welch St_Bridge_over Capilano River - Media:2018-04-23_DWV_WelchSt_Bridge_CapilanoRiver.pdf
    • Despite our call for a wider crossing, we have been told that in the engineering peer review, it was found not to be possible so they are going to go ahead with a 3.5 m wide MUP.
  • 752 Marine Drive Public hearing on 7 May -
    • In addition to the HUB letter, Peter attended and spoke in support of the development at the public hearing where a decision was delayed until the next council meeting.
  • Results of the Horseshoe Bay BC Ferries terminal workshop on April 23 - survey at the project website at until May 31.
    • Fred attended the workshop and provided some cycling input.
    • Peter will draft a HUB letter.

Bowen Island

City of North Vancouver

  • 13th St E between Lonsdale and St. George's has been completed.
  • Results of open house on 26 April re the proposed new Harry Jerome Recreation Centre.
  • Update on Green Necklace.