Meeting Summary: April 13, 2017

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Revision as of 19:19, 7 May 2017 by imported>Peter Scholefield
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  • Introductions: Fred, Tony (chair), Peter S, Peter T, Don P, Fiona, Dianne, Martyn, Giacomo
  • Events:
    • Bike to School Week – April 19 meeting will be good to make contacts -Carol Sartor from Haste BC will be there - agenda is on the wiki – Peter to invite Emily Willobee.
    • Earth day at Mahon Park 22 April sponsored by CNV – location at Jones at 13th - Don and Dianne will do it.
    • MEC Bikefest 29 April - Fred, Don McPherson and Martyn will be there.
    • Gleneagles Cyclefest 27 May – Peter S to organize and try to get Heather J and Neil there.
    • BTWW starts on Monday 29 May and we will have a station from 1600-1800at the east side of IWMB – will need toi coordinate with Matthew at HUB HQ.
    • Bike Day in Canada – Thursday 1 June 4-6 pm – there will be a conflict with LGB BTWW station - insurance from HUB – Peter to invite WV councillors Nora Gambioli and Mary Ann Booth.
    • West Van community Day 3 June – me to find out about location on the grounds but it looks like we may have to forgo this event this year due to lack of available volunteers but will do Coho Festival in September.
    • Blueridge Good Neighbour Day 4 June - they invited us – ideally we would need 4 volunteers for 4 hours – Fiona available and maybe Giacomo.
    • Lynn Valley Days 17 June – one big tent last year – Don will be back in time for this one.
    • Canada Day in the City of North Van 1200-1600 – will discuss further at the next meeting.
    • North Vancouver Fun City Festival 12& 13 August – try to get all bikes in one area this year– event is sub contracted out so booths are expensive – last year we had had a deal $50 for one day.
  • Election campaign coordination from HUB:
    • motor vehicle act is one issue;
    • 1.5 m safe passing distance; and
    • 30 km/hr speed limit in residential areas.
  • Bike Hwy
    • Tony will meet on 20 April with Jay Porter to get an update.
    • It could be a MUB.
  • CNV
    • Thank you letter for Keith Road has been sent.
    • Tony went to council meeting to stress separation of lanes on the green necklace like planned for Keith Road.
    • Moodyville Park Master Plan – we sent a letter - we are promoting separation on newly proposed trails including the Spirit Trail.
    • Thank you came from the mayor who liked our great ideas.
    • We have been contacted about plans for a bike path on the MacKay creek dyke – will follow up to get more details.
  • DNV
    • Fiona,Fred, Martyn, Giacmo, Antje and Don attended the District workshop at the end of March.
    • Bike routes to connect village centres was the focus of the workshop.
    • With regard to the next step, they are going to meet with CNV to discuss routes than pass through the city then the next budget will be an important step.
    • Tony sent HUB update letter to councils which was presented as a 10-year plan.
    • UnGapTheMap will be discussed at the next meeting of the Transportation Consultation Committee.
    • Lynn Valley Road underpass update
  • West Vancouver
    • The date of the proposed HUB delegation to DWV Council on 12 June is not convenient for Tony so Peter S will arrange another date.
    • Results of 12 April meeting of Paul Stott and Peter S with DWV Engineering staff (Vanessa Garrett, Norm Wong, John Calimente and Katarina Stevovic)
      • in our discussions on the War Dance Bridge, we made two suggestions:
        • 1. painting a second crossing for cyclists just to the west of the existing crossing that would be filled with green paint and bicycle decals (I would suggest they be oriented for northbound bicycle traffic); and
        • 2. replacing the existing sharrows in green boxes on the bridge with ones that are located in the middle of the traffic lanes.
        • We did not discuss it at our meeting, but another possible measure that you also referred to that could be taken to warn motorists when cyclists or pedestrians are about to cross the road in the crossings would be automatically-activated blinking lights like those installed in the Stanley Park Causeway.
        • The District agreed to follow up on previous suggestions to install a curb letdown at the eastbound approach to the bridge for cyclists coming off of the Spirit Trail.
        • Also, they are going to install a wayfinding sign at west exit from the bridge that shows cyclists, wanting to continue westward on the Spirit Trail, how to exit the roadway through the concrete pass-through which is located at the stop sign at Taylor Way. The wayfinding sign would show the route to follow to get to the Spirit Trail via the Capilano Pacific Trail under the War Dance Bridge.
        • The District staff also suggested bicycle dismount signs at each end of the sidewalk that leads across the bridge.
    • We briefly discussed the following current planning work:
      • Hugo Ray connector west of Capilano Bridge over the Capilano River – construction in 2017 after consultation with MoTI;
      • Caulfeild tunnel under Hwy 1 east of Caulfeild Village improvement for cyclists – construction in 2017;
      • Spirit Trail improvement – Cranley Drive switchback up the slope to the Seaview Walk is already completed but we said it was still to steep for cyclists;
      • 15th St bike lanes Mathers up to Queens – construction in spring 2017;
      • Skilift Road bike lanes west of 21st Street– construction in spring 2017:
      • Marine Drive bike lanes – 26th St to 31st St – pilot project:
      • Douglas Woodward ped/bike bridge – feasibility study in 2017:
      • Mathers ped/bike bridge – between 27th St and 29th St - – feasibility study in 2017; and
      • Marine Drive – Fisherman’s Cove section (Primrose Place to Gleneagles Drive) – feasibility study in 2017.
    • Other potential projects:
      • Highland Drive – (not clear yet what improvements are requested);
      • Other dangerous intersections for cyclists;
      • Marine and Taylor Way – there is room for a separated bike path east of Taylor Way to the eastbound bridge over the Capilano River; and
      • Marine and 14th Street bike route improvements - we suggested separated bike lanes to connect to the separated bike lanes on the Spirit Trail.