Meeting Summary: May 12, 2016

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Revision as of 23:27, 7 June 2016 by imported>Peter Scholefield
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  1. Attendance: Giacomo, Heather, Peter S, Alex Boston (guest), Paul, Fred, James Carter, Don P. Tony (Chair), Fiona, Brian
  2. Minutes from the April meeting were reviewed
  3. Review and planning for upcoming events
    • Gleneagles Bikefest Saturday, May 28 10am-1pm at the Gleneagles Community Centre
      • Paul and Peter met with organizers who are going to provide two tables to go with our HUB tent.
      • Paul has offered to lead a ride from the community centre.
      • Paul will be there with Anne, Dianne and a couple from the West Van Seniors cycling groups.
      • Peter will try to arrange to bring a TransLink demo bus bike rack.
    • MEC Bikefest Saturday, May 28 11 am - 5 pm
      • Cathy from HUB membership coming
      • Nelson, Fred, Giacomo, and Don plan to be there all day
    • Canada Bike Day Monday, May 30 4 - 6 p.m. at North Van Civic Square
      • Tom Walker will run a bike rodeo.
      • Local politicians will be invited as well as RCMP.
      • Obsession Bikes will be there
      • 5 km and 10 km group rides are planned.
      • Fiona arranged to get a $200 grant from Canada Bikes and used some of it to produce flyers, some of which she distributed at the meeting.
      • A City staff person will be there.
      • Fiona requested and got names from some of us to volunteer to come and help
      • Don will arrange to be there with the HUB tent.
    • Bike to Work Week
      • Our station will be at the NE exit from the Iron Workers Memorial Brideg from 4 -6 pm on 2 June.
      • Dianne a has arranged to get Obsession Bikes there and will get some refreshments donated.
      • 529 Garage, the community-based bike registration and recovery service, may also be there.
      • Don will arrange to get some volunteers and our NS-HUB tent along with associated supplies.
      • Peter has volunteered to be at the DWV sponsored BTWW stations at Lions Gate Bridge 4-6 pm on 1 June and at 14th and Argyle 4:30 - 6:30 pm on 2 June.
  4. HUB presence @ Additional Events: West Van Community Day (4 June), North Van Canada Day (1 July) and Lynn Valley Days (18 June) - Caribbean Days
      • Alex Boston, Chair of the City's Integrated Transportation Committee came to the meeting to discuss promoting cycling at upcoming community events, especially parades.
      • He suggested brainstorming on ways to advance messaging on the need for and use of cycling infrastructure.
      • It was suggested producing stickers with catchy phrase such as "less cars on the Cut" that could be handed out at community events.
      • James Carter, who is putting together a policy paper on why cycling is important, said he would help prepare the stickers.
      • Other phrases could focus on congestion management and the health benefits of cycling.
      • It was suggested that we try to get e-bike demonstations at these events but promoting a business may be problematic.
      • Peter will register HUB-North Shore for entry into the West Van Community Day parade and a place for our tent after the parade in Ambleside Park.
  5. Municipalities
    • CNV Update
      • West Keith Road plans
        • 1.6 m separated uphill lane on the south side, protected up the hill to Jones then buffered from there on is acceptable.
        • The north side can evolve beyond shared lanes when the property setbacks are reclaimed.
        • curb bulb-outs and intersections at Jones and Forbes can be hazardous for cyclists.
        • Heather suggested that we respond to the online survey with our suggestions.
      • East Keith and Grand Boulevard Plans
        • Bike lanes on the pavement, up east down west.
        • green paint would be desirable at intersection crossings.
        • The multi-use path going east is only 3 m wide.
      • Spirit Trail bridge and tunnels under boat access then a bridge will cost $5 million.
    • DNV Update
      • May 9 Council workshop on AAA bike network / Kay Teschke was successful - we should try to arrange one for the DWV.
        • The mayor was listening and recognizes 2nd narrows bottleneck.
        • Discussion included what types of infrastructure to build to attract more cyclists.
      • Tony is arranging a meeting on the Mountain Highway - Hwy 1 interchange with all three MLAs.
    • DWV Update
      • Separating pedestrians from cyclists is being planned for the extension of the nSpirit Trail through Ambleside.
      • The newly paved, one-way east section of Keith Road is not safe for cyclists due to narrow width for eastbound car traffic and two-way cyclist traffic.
      • HUB-NS input to planning Cypress Village has not yet been rescheduled but we should suggest separated bike lanes to and inside the village
      • Meeting with John Calimente on May 4
        • Paul Stott and Peter met with John for nearly two hours.
        • In terms of bike infrastructure projects, John mentioned the following:
          • Spirit Trail Exit 0/Raleigh Street
          • Spirit Trail Royal Avenue (planning/consultation work)
          • 3rd Street bike connection (pending Ministry approval)
          • Phase 4 (western part of DWV) bike signage installation
          • Lions Gate Bridge area signage (planning and design)
        • John would like feedback to know what cyclists think of the following:
          • Park Royal's engineered plan to cantilever a multi-purpose path off the south side of their Wardance Bridge is too expensive to implement at this time, What about narrowing the traffic lanes on the bridge to create enough space to widen the existing sidewalk enough to become a multi-purpose path?
          • A contiguous east-west bike route just north of Hwy1 starting at at 3rd Street – Mathers Ave – improved path from Eastcot Road to the Hwy 1 paved exit shoulder – Taylor Way – Hwy 1 paved entrance shoulder– Westcot Road - Wildwood Lane – 11th Street – Queens Ave - 12th Street – Renton Road – Tyrol Road - Tyrol place – would need a bridge across Lawson Creek – Westhill Place – Westhill Drive - Skilift Road -Skilift Place – would need a right-or-way through to the access road to Cypress Bowl Road.
          • Removing one of the two westbound lanes on Cypress Bowl Road to accommodate separated bike lanes as far west as the hairpin curve around the Municipal Works Yard.
          • Connecting Mathers Avenue across a ravine west of 27th Street.
          • A two-way separated bike lane as part of the Spirit Trail on the east side of the steep Royal Avenue leading into the village of Horseshoe Bay.
          • John will send us a web link on plans to pave 21st Street north of Queens Avenue and Skilift Road as we may want consider sending a HUB letter to Council noting this planned paving project and requesting installation of an uphill bike lane and a bike lane west along Skilift Road.
          • We should include in the letter a similar request for an uphill bike lane during the repaving of 15th Street from Mathers Ave. to Queens Ave.