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* [[HUB Richmond Meeting Minutes 25-09-2013]]
* [[HUB Richmond Meeting Minutes 25-09-2013]]

'''HUB Richmond & YVR Committee Minutes

Date: Wednesday Sept. 25th, 2013

Time: 7.00-8.30pm

Location: Richmond Brighouse Library

7700 Minoru Gate #100

Stephen DesRoches, Don MacArthur, Alex Taylor, Alvin Keng, Alex Clarkson, Lois Amerding, Yvonne Bell, Anne Sander, Debbie Snihur

1. Introductions-----welcome new member Alex Taylor

2. Agenda Motion to Approve
3. Minutes Motion To Approve

4. Set date for library table
Sunday October 27 2:00-4:00
Suggested theme Cyclist Safety. Alex has brought Richmond
Banner,handouts and stickers.
City to provide Richmond Bike Maps for table
Don MacArthur to send Leanne's email to Debbie to confirm
5. Connecting with Delta
Possible assessment ride in and around Tilbury.
Deferred until Derek Attends meeting, he has been in
contact with Joanne.
6. Alex did not have more information about Tilbury

7. Focus on a specific area or concern that we can achieve?
5 Road Assessment Ride?
Letter to Editor re: Bike Safety- Alvin to draft
Letter draft re: Bike racks for businesses?
Debbie to check with RATC on projected 6 Road Improvements

8. Fall bike to work week- Call for Volunteers
Please respond to email with times you can volunteer
We will need people to help with setup/teardown.

9. Mentioned in paper----Bike to shop week?
Debbie Suggested a 3 Km Challenge similar to US 2-3 mile
A website run thru HUB or TravelSmart similar to Bike to
Work Week but to register for short trips to grocery
store, etc. Participants sign up for challenges to cut out
short car trips and take a bike instead, and pledge to
swap out at least one low km car trip per week.

Next Meeting: October 24th 7:00-8:30

Location: Richmond Brighouse Library 7700 Minoru Gate #100

Revision as of 23:33, 7 October 2013