2021-05-06 Summary: Difference between revisions

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'''St Andrews Safety Improvements'''
'''St Andrews Safety Improvements'''
*Phase 1 public engagement ended on April 30th.
*Phase 1 public engagement ended on April 30th.
*HUB North Shore wrote a letter in support of making St Andrews a neighborhood bikeway.
*HUB North Shore wrote a [[Media: CNV_StAndrewsAveSafetyImprovements_041321.pdf|letter in support of making St Andrews a neighborhood bikeway]].
**Letter posted here: http://wiki.bikehub.ca/northshore/index.php?title=Letters_to_governments
*CNV staff will be sharing what they heard and presenting a preliminary design for the traffic calming measures in late May.
*CNV staff will be sharing what they heard and presenting a preliminary design for the traffic calming measures in late May.

Revision as of 00:58, 24 May 2021

Don P. Erika R. Fred R. Mo Bot, Brandon Green, Antje W, Paul S, Dave P, Peter S, Martyn S, Jasper, Nadia F, Heather D.


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Esplanade Complete Street project

  • Mo Bot, Project Manager of Public Realm Infrastructure, for the City of North Vancouver provided an update on the Esplanade Complete Street project. They are currently working through early design work and planning for Spring engagement – likely beginning in May. Mo will present the current design, share thinking about our trade-offs and choices, and have a discussion with the group.

The complete corridor design, and a summary of feedback from phase 1 (organized into seven themes) can be found here: https://letstalk.cnv.org/esplanade-complete-street

  • Take-aways:
    • Buses. Trucks. Cycling. Walking. This street to try to do everything.
    • Safety concerns top priority.
    • Design of streets to limit speeds.
    • Strong input has been for better bikeways on Esplanade, separated from vehicles and pedestrians
      • Raised above roadway with impermeable curb.
      • Driveways will have raised crossings
      • Generally 2.2m wide but narrowing around bus stops to slow cyclists.
    • Trees will be replacing with more climate resistant species.
    • Road crossings will have curb outs, advanced pedestrian/cyclist crossing signals. Turn restrictions.
    • Chesterfield will be a full Protected Intersection
    • Bike racks in middle space between bikeway and sidewalk
    • 40Km limit, currently 43 km average. TransLink does not want to go lower.
    • Some parking removed, but only 3% of local available.
      • More of street parking will have short time limits to encourage turn-over.
    • Forbes Concrete barriers on south-west side. North-east side walk. Limit left turn lanes in peak hours.
      • High friction surface at bottom corner to reduce crashes.
  • Discussion points:
    • Pedestrian crossing bikelanes to floating Transit islands
    • Forbes: concerns about right turn at bottom corner
    • Requested way finding signage and also to parking lots.
    • if no Bike signal should cyclist follow traffic signals or advanced pedestrian ones? What does MVA/ICBC say?
    • Right turn on red - Being considered. Needs more discussion.

Upcoming Events

  • Spring Go By Bike Week - May 31 to June 4 -
    • Online only, no celebrations stations

MoTI Cycle Gaps Project

Last week consultants for the Ministry of Transportation & infrastructure reached out to HUB North Shore. They are tasked with:

developing a master list of regionally significant cycling gaps on MoTI infrastructure in each sub-region within the South Coast Region (from the Sunshine Coast, across Metro Vancouver to the Fraser Valley). For this project, a regionally significant cycling gap is on MoTI infrastructure and that decreases regional connectivity for cyclists between urban centres. They are working with agency partners across the region to identify these gaps and reconcile the information with stakeholder priorities. The list of regionally significant gaps within each sub-region will be used to assist MoTI with selecting new cycling infrastructure projects when opportunities and funding become available.

  • HUB has been asking MoTI to do this for a long time. A GAP can be either a section along either Hwy 1 or Hwy 99, OR a crossing/intersection on either of these highways.
  • The Gaps are limited to only those under MoTI's jurisdiction, which for the North Shore is the 2 highway corridors and 1st & 2nd Narrows Bridges.
  • Discussion:
    • Jones overpass - How about increasing separation of baffle gates
    • Philips tunnel - asked to get most if not all baffles removed.
    • Bicycle highway? Do we want to make it a priority?
      • Heather thinking with limited funds, this would be a distraction. Should focus on optimizing infrastructure for those short trips the presently have too many gaps.
      • Highway corridor might be able to accommodate a cycle highway in the Right-Of-Way and also be separate from vehicle impacts.
      • Our preference is though bikeways parallel to Hwy but physically separated (not necessarily in Hwy RoW, could be adjacent residential streets).

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Nadia

Mobility Strategy

St Andrews Safety Improvements


  • MOTI announced the approval of electric kick scooter pilot projects in six BC municipalities, including CNV, DNV and DWV.
  • Expect announcement of Bike Share contract very soon.

District of North Vancouver - Fred/Don

  • Liaisons meeting regularly with Ingrid (DNV). Last meeting was Mar 30th.
    • discussed HUB Priorities and 2021 plans
    • Upper LV Road (Phase I) from TC to Peters Road in 2021. Expect DNV web site update soon for more information.
    • Peters to Dempsey planned for 2022 but may be included in Phase I. DNV expecting a lot of push back from community on upper LVR. Looking for HUB member support, especially from those living on this corridor.
    • Upper LVR improvements contingent on obtaining third party infrastructure funding. Assuming funding is successful it means the "DNV will be spending 50% of the transportation budget on active transportation according to Mayor Little."
    • The DNV will be expediting improvements to the Mountain Hwy corridor to Lynn Valley town centre to address cycling impediments. Awaiting details.
    • Liaisons requested road paving schedule. Paving section of LVR between Molly Nye to Mountain Hwy will depend on a sanitary sewer project on that route. Ingrid will share complete schedule. Possibly as soon as next week.
    • Bridge replacement over Mosquito Creek to eliminate steps is a Parks Board project (not a cycling amenity) and time frame is unknown. There is a narrow at grade crossing some metres downstream connecting to a gravel path, more suitable to trail bikes.

Mtn. Hwy to Peters Road

  • Currently in the design stage
  • HUB Liaisons have been asked to provide input
  • In general terms there will be a protected bike lane on both sides of Lynn Valley Rd as part of phase I. (Mountain Hwy to Peters Rd.)
  • Design looks promising, HUB provided feedback on intersections and signage
  • Will need to make sure that design meshes with plans for LV TC bike plans
  • Buffer posts on southern LVR will be installed by Valley Traffic. It is with a new base design.
  • LVR & Mtn Hwy intersection will get bike boxes with let down.

Phibbs to Keith

  • Poor lane condition on Orwell. > DNV has filled pot-holes.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

  • Postponed plans for a car-free or family bike day in June to hopefully being held in September.
  • Our input to the DWV RFP for a consultant to update the 2010 DWV Strategic Transportation Plan.
  • Bike to School initiatives in the District.

MOTI - Don/Jonathan

  • Lower Lynn Interchanges - Monthly meeting
    • Mountain Hwy Interchange
      • 4m MUP along the north side westbound Mtn Hwy offramp will have 10 "refuges", so the hill will be a series of 10m 15% pitches with 2m flats (refuge). Should open in Aug-Sep.
      • The maze-gate on MUP between the bridges - removed, new signage by end of month
    • Mt Seymour parkway/Keith Interchange
      • bike detour in place until August (to demolish old bridge and complete south side of new one)
      • New 4m wide MUP on side of Mt Seymour pkwy now open, new 3m one on south side almost complete.
    • Main-Dollarton interchange
      • onramp to IWMB west sidewalk closed until Sep (detour via east sidewalk)
      • new 4m MUP on south side of main-dollarton will open in July
      • new 4m MUP on north side of main-dollarton should open in June
    • Phibbs exchange upgrade
      • Construction should should start in fall at earliest

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/Giacomo/Paul


  • Communications = Paul, Antje, Giacomo, Heather
    • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.
  • We are coordinating our approach to communications on groups.io, Facebook and Twitter
  • Still looking for help with photos / videos