2025-02-06 Summary: Difference between revisions

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Agenda additions
Agenda additions
* None


* Bike awards are the next event on the agenda.

** https://bikehub.ca/events/12th-annual-hub-bike-awards
Bike awards are the next event on the agenda.

Translink has an opportunity to name designated routes or bikeways eg. Piercy Parkway.
* Translink has an opportunity to name designated routes or bikeways eg. Piercy Parkway.
** https://www.translinklistenspanel.ca/c/a/5Vyh49le00SHWtURw8F28q

* Lonsdale Great Street project open house Feb 20 5-8 pm.
* Suggestions about possible rides are welcome. Helene is looking at something like shipyards to Horseshoe Bay and back. The possibilities are limitless but should center on pointing out deficiencies .
* Suggestions about possible rides are welcome. Helene is looking at something like shipyards to Horseshoe Bay and back. The possibilities are limitless but should center on pointing out deficiencies .

First Nations
* Squamish nation has revealed their climate legacy strategy.
** Low carbon transportation plan is part of this.
*** Action item. Don to call Kira about our role.
* loutette/Casano overpass bids closed Feb 6. Shovels in ground this spring. Completion approx. 2 years.
** Adjoining route is not confirmed. Will it dovetail with 13th improvements?
* Chesterfield section will not be decided prior to obtaining clarity on the Lonsdale Great Street project.It may be designated as a “collector route”.
* NRTOR is being implemented at three strategic intersections with elevated crash rates.
* Improvements are scheduled on East 3rd as development intensifies. also at Lonsdale and 23.
* Lime expansion is approved.

January 20 is next meeting.
Heather noted that we should keep a sharp eye on budgeting. We will be submitting a response letter to request for input.
First Nations

No update this month. Action item - Don will contact Kira.
District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart
District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart
* Truncated Spirit Trail east is scheduled to commence work this spring. Stephen will speak to this issue at Feb 10 council meeting.
** Action item, liaisons to obtain detailed design drawings.
* Mountain Hiway project was rejected. A motion will be put forward to make School Zone improvements for Eastview elementary including a crossing guard.
* Arbour Lynn route is on hold pending efforts to reduce speeds on Mountain hiway.

District of West Vancouver - Peter/Mike
No report this month
* Ambleside rezoning is imminent.
District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Paul S.
* Lime program extended fir 6 months. Possibility of region wide tendering process fir this service.

Paul Stott is relinquishing his duties as DWV liaison. We applaud and thank him for his years of dedication and achievement.
Peter will be sitting in on budget sessions this month.
Development along Cypress Bowl road will mean more infrastructure for this area. A study was conducted on the options for AT; however, findings were never made available to us. Action item - Don to investigate the possibility of reviewing this report.
* MOTI has power to reject RTOR initiatives proposed by munis.
* Stanley Park causeway barriers finally repaired. A meeting is required to point out gaps.

No report this month
* BlueSky and Mastedon accounts are now active.
* DNV has terminated their X account. Hard to do for HUB central as it is tied into some of our partners.

No report this month
Education Programs
Education Programs
* on hiatus till next month.

Meeting adjourned 8:09 p.m.
No report this month
Meeting adjourned 7:41 p.m.

Latest revision as of 17:34, 14 February 2025

Attending; Don (chair), Paul (vice Chair & Secretary),Cathy HUB, Easton Smith, Helene Childs, Derrick, Rhonda, Jake Hunter & Nicole Seguin, Gavin (1st time), Christine (1st time). Online: Peter, Rueben, Erika, Stewart, Fiona, Duncan, Heather.

Meeting commenced 6:35 pm

Agenda additions

  • None




  • Suggestions about possible rides are welcome. Helene is looking at something like shipyards to Horseshoe Bay and back. The possibilities are limitless but should center on pointing out deficiencies .

First Nations

  • Squamish nation has revealed their climate legacy strategy.
    • Low carbon transportation plan is part of this.
      • Action item. Don to call Kira about our role.


  • loutette/Casano overpass bids closed Feb 6. Shovels in ground this spring. Completion approx. 2 years.
    • Adjoining route is not confirmed. Will it dovetail with 13th improvements?
  • Chesterfield section will not be decided prior to obtaining clarity on the Lonsdale Great Street project.It may be designated as a “collector route”.
  • NRTOR is being implemented at three strategic intersections with elevated crash rates.
  • Improvements are scheduled on East 3rd as development intensifies. also at Lonsdale and 23.
  • Lime expansion is approved.

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart

  • Truncated Spirit Trail east is scheduled to commence work this spring. Stephen will speak to this issue at Feb 10 council meeting.
    • Action item, liaisons to obtain detailed design drawings.
  • Mountain Hiway project was rejected. A motion will be put forward to make School Zone improvements for Eastview elementary including a crossing guard.
  • Arbour Lynn route is on hold pending efforts to reduce speeds on Mountain hiway.

District of West Vancouver - Peter/Mike

  • Ambleside rezoning is imminent.
  • Lime program extended fir 6 months. Possibility of region wide tendering process fir this service.


  • MOTI has power to reject RTOR initiatives proposed by munis.
  • Stanley Park causeway barriers finally repaired. A meeting is required to point out gaps.


  • BlueSky and Mastedon accounts are now active.
  • DNV has terminated their X account. Hard to do for HUB central as it is tied into some of our partners.

Education Programs

  • on hiatus till next month.

Meeting adjourned 8:09 p.m.