2025-01-02 Summary: Difference between revisions

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Elections were held resulting in the following positions. Note that there were only 1 candidate for Chair and Vice chair so no vote was required. Additionally there are multiple positions within each of the other roles so that, once again, no vote was required.
Elections were held resulting in the following positions. Note that there were only 1 candidate for Chair and Vice chair so no vote was required. Additionally there are multiple positions within each of the other roles so that, once again, no vote was required.
Chair - Don Piercy
*Chair - Don Piercy
Vice Chair - Paul Janzen
*Vice Chair - Paul Janzen
MOTI Liaison - Don & Mike McCormack. Cheryl available to assist on specific issues.
*MOTI Liaison - Don & Mike McCormack. Cheryl available to assist on specific issues.
CNV Liaison - Rhonda, Jacob, Easton
*CNV Liaison - Rhonda, Jacob, Easton
ITC - Dana? Action item - Don to ask Jonathon
*ITC - Dana? Action item - Don to ask Jonathon
DNV - Duncan, Stewart, Steven (subject to their acceptance).
*DNV - Duncan, Stewart, Steven (subject to their acceptance).
1st Nations - Kiera with assistance from Leanna. Action item - Don to contact Kiera.
*1st Nations - Kiera with assistance from Leanna. Action item - Don to contact Kiera.
Communications - Heather, Ruben (subject to his acceptance).
*Communications - Heather, Ruben (subject to his acceptance).
Membership - Paul
*Membership - Paul
Events - Nicole
*Events - Nicole
Schools - Paul
*Schools - Paul
NS Safety Council Fiona
*NS Safety Council Fiona
Developers - Peter and Jacob
*Developers - Peter and Jacob
Rides Coordinator - Helene
*Rides Coordinator - Helene

Revision as of 21:09, 4 January 2025

Attending; Don (chair), Paul (Secretary),Easton Smith, Leanna Grimes (HUB Board), Helene Childs (1st time), Derrick, Rhonda, Jake Hunter & Nicole Seguin, Heather, Cheryl Leskiw (1st time) Peter, Helen Vanderheide - online.

Meeting commenced 6:33 pm


Cheryl Leskiw asked that we address issues around Cypress Bowl Road. Added to DWV discussions.


Elections Elections were held resulting in the following positions. Note that there were only 1 candidate for Chair and Vice chair so no vote was required. Additionally there are multiple positions within each of the other roles so that, once again, no vote was required.

  • Chair - Don Piercy
  • Vice Chair - Paul Janzen
  • MOTI Liaison - Don & Mike McCormack. Cheryl available to assist on specific issues.
  • CNV Liaison - Rhonda, Jacob, Easton
  • ITC - Dana? Action item - Don to ask Jonathon
  • DNV - Duncan, Stewart, Steven (subject to their acceptance).
  • 1st Nations - Kiera with assistance from Leanna. Action item - Don to contact Kiera.
  • Communications - Heather, Ruben (subject to his acceptance).
  • Membership - Paul
  • Events - Nicole
  • Schools - Paul
  • NS Safety Council Fiona
  • Developers - Peter and Jacob
  • Rides Coordinator - Helene


Work completed in 2024 was reviewed together with revised goals for 2025. There were no revisions or alterations suggested to the goals as stated. Heather related the history of establishing the current format tracing back to 2019 when the three primary goals were established as: Main to Marine Harbour to Headwaters Creek to Peak It was noted that these three easy to articulate primary goals should be repeated often for effect so that they form the core of our narrative around route planning locally. Given these stated goals any new projects should be reviewed in that context. For example CNV route choices for the mid town connector should dovetail with our Harbour to Headwaters goal. Consultation & Public Inputs

Local Committee Workshop Nov 26-Translink and the Major Bikeway Network (MBN) https://bikehub.ca/system/files/2024-11-26-hub-local-committee-meeting.pdf Paul J participated in this web meeting along with reps from each LC and RAC. Workshop outlined Translinks development of region wide Bike "masterplan" known as the Major Bike Network (MBN). Here is everything you need to know about MBN: https://www.translink.ca/-/media/translink/documents/cycling/regional-cycling-strategy/rcs_moving_towards_a_major_bikeway_network.pdf Here is the lowdown on Translinks funding: https://www.translink.ca/-/media/translink/documents/plans-and-projects/roads-bridges-and-goods-movement/2025-biccs-funding-program-description-guidelines.pdf Events

Winter Solstice ride - December 15 at 4:30 pm leaving from Grand Boulevard and Keith Road. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1CYutCeU8v/?mibextid=K35XfP City of North Vancouver - Rhonda & Heather

Meetings with city staff have been established informally as once er quarter. Casano Loutet overpass has gone to tender for work commencing 2025. Greenway route has been approved. City staff report was extremely well presented and a letter of appreciation was sent from us to CNV. First segment will be Lonsdale to St. Andrews although west Keith Road was originally going to be the first segment. The Lonsdale "Great Street" project may include some type of bike facility after all. There is a redevelopment proposal for Capilano Mall that may include facilities along third street. First Nations

No update this month. Paul noted that NSMBA has a working relationship around trail building. District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart

DNV has a budget for wayfaring. Suggestions for spend have been forthcoming through our Wiki. Next meeting with staff is January. Arbour Lynn improvements have been delayed. The Mountain Hiway pedestrian and cycling improvements proposal was defeated by Council. Duncan attended the meeting A petition was circulated against the proposal with some signatures from outside our region. A video was presented in favour that outlined the concern for (Esatview) students' safety. There was a concern voiced by (Councillor?) that lack of provincial funding played a role in the vote. It was noted that this is the first proposal in DNV that eliminated a portion of a motor vehicle lane. A spirited discussion was had amongst our committee members about the larger issue of how we combat the "anti bike lane" nimby groups that have resources and seem to mobilize quickly in advance of municipal votes that are held with little advance notice. Jake noted that it's possible provincial policy will reduce the lead time and public input component allowed for in considering these proposals much as it has for housing issues. Martyn noted that it's possible that some improvements can be had by petitioning city staff engineers that often make decisions about intersections etc that don't require council approval. Nicole asked what groups we should align with to better support proposals like Mountain Hiway. District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Paul S.

Moti approve construction of a MUP for the portion of Marine Drive EB from LGB to Capilano Road. Work will be done to improve the signalized intersection at Marine Drive and 31 Street. This may allow for more facilities being constructed on north side of Marine as well. Hugo Ray connector will be extended along Mathers to Taylor Swift Way. Next meeting after New Year. MOTI Don

No report this month


Facebook page has 500+ subscribers. No news articles can be posted although workarounds have been attempted elsewhere. Alternatives to X/Twitter are being considered including Blu Sky and Mastedon. Education Programs

The bike bus program has wings: https://bikehub.ca/education/bike-bus-program

Meeting adjourned 8:01 p.m.