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***Prepare Agenda for meetings including the following questions:
***Prepare Agenda for meetings including the following questions:
##Ask if they themselves cycle and if not, why not?
##Ask if they themselves cycle and if not, why not?
##Ask what % of Transport budget they think should be dedicated to “Active Transportation” - this should be with reference to the current OCP target.
##Ask what % of Transport budget they think should be dedicated to “Active Transportation” - this should be with reference to the current OCP or municipal targets.
##Ask what are their highest priorities for “Active Transportation” and by when.
##Ask what are their highest priorities for “Active Transportation” and by when.
##Share our Goals.
##Share our Goals.

Revision as of 04:07, 14 January 2019

Regular meeting on January 10, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

Attendees: Peter S, Fred, Erika, Jay, Don P, Martyn, Peter T, Fiona, Lora, Ryan


  • Dec 17th - Don & Heather attended Lower Lynn Improvements Media Event - Press Release
  • Bike to Work Week - May 27-Jun2 2019

2019 Objectives - Don

  • A couple proposals:
    • Define our Long term vision for cycling on the North Shore - all to consider a simple, one line statement that reflects our Vision if asked by council, media etc.
    • Meeting with all Mayors & Councillors
      • Prepare Agenda for meetings including the following questions:
    1. Ask if they themselves cycle and if not, why not?
    2. Ask what % of Transport budget they think should be dedicated to “Active Transportation” - this should be with reference to the current OCP or municipal targets.
    3. Ask what are their highest priorities for “Active Transportation” and by when.
    4. Share our Goals.
    5. Ask what are the major impediments to achieving these goals & what can HUB-NS can do to help make this happen?
      • Arrange trial meeting with a cycling-friendly councilor to assess questions and potentially refine.
      • Arrange meeting between Liaison teams & each Mayor & Councillor (before mid Feb?).
    • Discussion of potential goals included appointing an Active Transportation Coordinator (or similar) for each municipality or shared amongst North Shore municipalities.


  • Infrastructure Funding Tracker - this is used by HUB HQ to summarize funding applied for by municipality and the resulting disbursements. Intended to highlight who is making the most of available funding.
  • 2018 Infrastructure Successes Map - this is compiled by HUB HQ to highlight 20 in 20 and major cycling projects completed in the calendar year. Don and Jay added items for DNV/CNV including new Green Necklace segment along 23rd and the Lynn Valley bike lane under Hwy 1. Peter noted no new DWV projects. This includes completed projects, not funding announcements or planning studies.

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather/Julian

  • Erika and Heather met with Jennifer Draper and Daniel Watson. Jennifer is the Manager of Transportation Planning (formerly in Engineering). Daniel came with her to the planning department.
  • Jennifer is spearheading the new long term transportation plan. The current horizon stops in 2020, but the update will take it to 2030.
  • Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) is being updated. HUB will participate.
  • Questions from staff for HUB include what is our HQ working on from a policy perspective? What is our vision?
  • Daniel noted he is getting requests from HUB HQ. Action - Don to confirm who is the liaison and why they are not including the local committee? If it is a Translink issue, Fred should be copied, otherwise the North Shore committee should be copied.
  • Comments from staff on Ungap the Map. Concerns as to how it is being communicated - makes staff look bad if councilors are provided list of gaps without context. Action - Don to confirm with Andrew at HQ what the UtM is being used for and how it is being communicated.
  • Staff are busy with the B-Line priority improvements on Marine Drive. HUB to ensure cycling is under consideration. Opportunity to improve parallel routes such as 15th Street W.
  • Elephant's Feet pavement markings being added to 27th Street crossing of Lonsdale to support new Green Necklace segment.
  • 16th Street W was discussed. City is reviewing the feasibility of removing parking to improve cycling conditions, but the challenge is there is significant utilization of the spaces by adjacent condo residents.
  • Conflict points at driveways along the new 23rd Street segment of Green Necklace were reviewed with the City.
  • A separate bicycle priority phase eastbound at 19th Street / Boulevard Crescent was requested and City is reviewing.
  • Councillor Valente is proposing a motion to have Bike Valet services at major City events. Erika to post details on the message board.
  • The issue of bike facility design through parks was raised as these are often done by separate staff members. Want to avoid Jones style pathways.

District of North Vancouver - Antje/Jay

  • Lynn Valley Road northeast of Mountain Highway and Upper Mountain Highway - potential for adding uphill bike lanes to link recreational areas. This is not a formal project, just a staff investigation. Parking at the Fromme and Headwaters trailheads have been political issues for many years and providing protected bike lanes could offer more trip options for families and visitors.
  • Mountain Highway north of Highway 1 - potential for road diet and uphill bike lane by removing one northbound lane. As per above not a formal project, just an investigation to see if this would work and potentially allow for extending the bike lane from the new interchange up the hill. Quieter ArbourLynn route exists but poorly signed. Will likely need safe route on both.
  • Orwell Pathway construction impacts - as part of the comprehensive Lower Lynn Town Centre redevelopment, this pathway will be reduced to 2 m wide. It was acknowledged the current path is narrow gravel and unpaved but there is space to overtake pedestrians. If fencing is proposed will be challenging situation. Feasibility of proposal depends on what else is complete by the time work begins (e.g. Brooksbank/Mountain or Lower Lynn Interchange pathways could be good alternates if available). It was also noted closure of the Phibbs Park N Ride is imminent.
  • Items for next meeting (January 14 at DNV hall)
    • Cycling & Work Zones - this is an ongoing issue. Contractors should be referencing the latest BC MoTI standards for work zones as they provide explicit guidance for bike signage in work zones.
    • Prioritizing cycling routes for wayfinding - see Don's map.
    • HUB priorities - see Don's map.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter

  • Wayfinding signage proposals at Lions Gate Bridge Interchange on Marine Drive - . Peter shared a signing plan generated by staff. Committee to consider generating similar guidance for DNV / CNV.
  • Speed hump standards (deferred to next meeting).
  • DWV/DNV links for Gap List - . Paul prepared a map shared with staff. Includes labels for the gaps overlain on the current North Shore bike map. It was noted that several gaps are along the DNV/DWV interfaces.
  • B-Line controversy. Peter followed up with the project manager from Translink. She is setting up a meeting between the planners and HUB to go over details. Translink recently met with the District to assuage concerns from businesses. Word is that bikes will be allowed in the lane but this is to be confirmed.

Translink / MOTI - Fred

  • e-Bikes on Buses, Skytrain, Seabus, and West Coast Express - there remains conflicting information on the various Translink websites. Action - Fred to follow with Andrew at HUB HQ to help push to resolve this growing regional issue and confirm whether there is indeed a restriction on bringing battery packs aboard.
  • from HUB HQ meeting with TransLink: SeaBus by bike, Lonsdale Quay parking, Phibbs parking & bike share space. Despite past letter correspondence from HUB requesting inclusion of lockers and storage, there is still no confirmation from Translink as to whether they are in current scope. Action - HUB to request through HQ that current plans be provided to confirm details. Follow up with further political pressure if necessary.