Meeting Summary: March 7, 2013

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Revision as of 10:23, 8 March 2013 by imported>Peter Scholefield
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Attendance & Agenda

  • Attendance: Kathy, Nelson, Ann, Bill, Winifred, Antje, Fiona, Helen, Dianne and Yoko

Education & Outreach

  • Sea to Sky cycling project update
    • map of cycling hazards will put on a website with real time updates possible - now in beta
    • suggest contact Grand Fondo organizers
    • to be finished in 3 weeks
    • can access from Flickr and Twitter
    • need volunteers to spread the word about website
    • $116,00 estimated cost to fix hazards
    • presented at Velo City
    • MoT agrees with hazards are dangerous
    • database to be unploaded to SFU
  • HUB delegation at DNV council meeting Feb 18, recap (Antje)
    • Antje presented
    • question about bike to school and training
    • Antje followed up with a letter about cycling education in schools
    • City pays HUB to provide education to schools
  • HUB delegation at West Van council meeting May 6 (Peter)
  • City Cycling book for councils (Antje/Jay)
    • 4 to West Van, 3 to City and 4 to DNV
  • Bike to School on the North Shore
    • Transportation demand management
    • Use Pro D to distribute info
    • start at elementary schools
    • get teachers in schools that are bike riders
    • some schools takes kids for one-week trips
    • exclusion zones is an idea
    • use school newsletters for bike to school da
    • Antje will talk to Steph to see if there have been similare intiatives
    • send email to principals, mention fitness advantage of cycling
  • Connect with other NS groups?
    • E.g. Cool North Shore, North Van Urban Forum
  • North Shore bike map distribution
    • copies have been printed – antje will bring some to the next meeting
  • draft letter to West Van council concerning review of STP


  • Sea-to-Sky Highway (Ann & SFU)
  • Second Narrows bridge update (Fiona)
    • meeting with manager of south coast region and operations manager a four cyclists
    • funding by end of March 20 million for widening
    • designs tendered by end of March
    • width 2.5 m will do one side at a time
    • new railings will be higher 3m vertical 5" between veertical bars
    • working on changing Dollarton exit
    • announcement before election?
  • Mountain Highway design in Lower Lynn (Antje)
    • sent letter asking for separated bike lane
  • Cycling during construction of new Low Level Road (Heather)
  • Park Royal
    • HUB Surrey/White Rock has used Living Streets assessment form for mall
  • Government Road on Bowen Island (Antje, from Richard)

Other Business

  • Events Coordinator position (Antje)
  • Survey for Provincial election candidates on the North Shore (do we want to send out a survey to candidates as we did for the muni election? - heather in absentia)